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 I’m pretty upset 😢 
My three dogs just killed a baby bunny. 😔 chased the poor thing down and cornered it. I tried to save it, but I was too late.

I hate when they do stuff like this. 
"Nature red in tooth and claw." 

We all are animals, but dogs can’t be argued with verbally so you can’t do anything, sorry 
Yeah! They should only kill stuffed toys! 😁My terrier killed a rat last year. Ewww! Bred for that I guess. 🤷‍♂️ 
 @449841af Relevant message from famous Mythologist J.Campbell "There comes time in growing up when we must realize that the life is vicious,..." 
 @449841af Hey, at least it was outside.  I once had a cat drag a rabbit in through the open kitchen window and gnaw its head off on the tile floor.  That's a gruesome thing to come home to find.  Thing is, she's a small cat, and the rabbit was at least 3/4 her size.  I couldn't even be that mad at her, because it was actually a pretty impressive feat. 
 @449841af A now passed Dalmatian of ours used to eat birds whole after catching them, I think he was worried he'd be told to drop it if the humans came too close 🤣