Oddbean new post about | logout
 I think it’s a good trade off to just add tenor gifs. Not a big deal if your gif disappears 
 I concur. I always go to tenor anyway bc itMs the easiest to copy with the right format on ios 
 I think its much more interesting to source gifs from the network, instead of integrating something that will eventually rug you 
 TIL tenor is run by google 
 gifcities ftw 
 Damnit. Of course 
 Oh I thought it was Microsoft 
 As someone whose donated well over 1M sats to your project, I find this to be a poor response to legitimate user feedback. Are you building for yourself or for your users? For better or worse, this is why clients like @primal  that put the user experience first will continue to be the most popular. 
 Maybe it’s because you are not aware of our core principles which determines how we build things? We are very skeptical of adding centralized integrations such as google apis, as well as KYC wallets. If we didn’t care about these things than we might as well just be another big tech app.

It’s also why damus will remain functional when your ux-friendly app goes down.

Damus’s core philosophy is that we can do the same things but better in a more decentralized way, even if it’s harder and will take more time. 
 You 👏 built 👏 an 👏 iOS 👏 app 👏 
 We 👏 have 👏 a 👏 multiplatform 👏 client 
 Also til because we have an ios client we should compromise on our core principles of not relying on centralized in-app integrations and no kyc wallets. Huh? 
 “It’s also why damus will remain functional when your ux-friendly app goes down.”

Sorry man, this is why I stopped using Damus months ago and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The bugs and crashes made it completely unusable. To top it off, user feedback was brushed off and new features completely disappeared. 

I’m sure the Damus core principles are excellent and heavily weighted towards censorship resistance, decentralization, sovereignty and the like. It’s just pretty clear that user feedback is not one of them. 
 I use damus every day and do not have crashes. If there are crashes they are quickly fixed. What feedback did you give which was not received?

Dev has indeed slowed because I am working on a multiplatform client as you rightly criticized. In the meantime i have hired @danieldaquino  to work on ios part time. They have implemented:

- new threads
- damus purple
- push notifications (soon)
- many bug fixes
- first aid (contact recovery)
- onboarding (first post, suggestions)

And much more. Also we are much more conservative in adding features. People depend on that for reliability. Pushing new things and breaking things is something we try to avoid. 
 That’s a lot of words, none of which were “I take user feedback seriously” 😒 
 Oh we accept feedback, but we are not obliged to implement all feedback, especially if it goes against our core principles. Luckily there are clients who might implement everything you ask them! Thats a pretty cool feature of nostr. Personalized clients. 
 I wish you the best of luck Will, but I find the way you speak to your active users and people who have supported you financially to be condescending and smug. I’ll be taking your advice and will move on to clients that can balance the whims of their core devs with legitimate user feedback. 
 The cool aspect of that feature is not the top down part but the bottom up part. 
 Core principles are great but you could just integrate it as temporary solution and then replace whenever you guys will have a time to come up with better idea. Everyone whom I onboarded from the normie land said that they stopped using it because there is a luck of basic things that needed. If we will wait for years to come up with the “better solutions” by sacrificing users then this place will be dead ! 
 I’m not against that reasoning, I wouldn’t reject a PR for it. Im also not going to spend a lot of time implementing that if I could spend that time working on a better way.

There is a reason I built damus, it was to build decentralized tech. I personally spend very little time thinking about api integrations. If I lose marketshare then so be it. Yes I am very ideological, and am willing to have less users, but at least they will be users who care about decentralization and understand why we are here. If thats damus’ niche then so be it.

nostr enables this diverse landscapes of clients and views. If users are happy with centralized integrations that are tracking all of their activity then great! All the power to them. 
 Damus still has a centralized image upload serves… 
 we had multiple integrations but one of them broke (proving my point of my original concern), so now we have one. I was very much against it and would still prefer a better way. I did not personally implement it. I always saw nostr build as a temporary thing like you mentioned. 
 See, the core principle was sacrificed. I don’t want to go into arguing mode and being sofa expert. And we aren’t just dunking on you. The basic stuff was requested for months to all of the devs. 
 i think a nostr.build integration is not as bad as a google api integration, since the latter would require us to implement something on a server. The nostr.build integration was the least bad infraction of these principles since we could do everything client side and it’s run by nostr folks, and we had multiple backends. 
 It’s easy to add and difficult to take away. Slow and steady wins the race 🏁🐢 
 They’re fucking gifs. You’re worried about censorship resistance and people getting rugged of something used for momentary shits and giggles, when you yourself rugged your entire node with no notice to users, and your app is distributed entirely by one corporation’s centralized App Store over which you have zero control. You’re insufferable when it comes to user feedback and I’m simply tired of trying to offer it. Good luck with Damus. I hope you find a user demographic you are willing to serve and listen to.  
 cool story bro 
 You are in the rigth path! 

Some people still think nostr is a twitter clone or replace.. 

Average minds dont understand freedom tech!  

don’t mind me, just documenting is all. 
 How far back are you going? 
 I mean, you could fork and do it yourself? Beauty of open source and all that 
 Easier to complain 
 I’m trying to improve my experience with Nostr. How do I find people? I must have their npub? 
 The easiest way is to look at who others follow and start with them. 
 Who's going to build gifstr? Don't we already have plebphy of something like that? 
 something like https://emojito.meme/ but for gifs would be cool 

any client can tap into emojito thru a NIP I think 
 We have that it’s called https://plebhy.com/ 
 o shit there’s even an API 
 Uh huh. It's been around since Nostrica. 
 no fckn way 
 Yeah man. It's from nostr:nprofile1qqsd3gkr8uhzluaf6nlj54vn7026t853vla9mmgx858ynzghwes3urqpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vp39eukz6mfdphkumn99e3k7mgpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vpj9eukz6mfdphkumn99e3k7mgpremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vpj9ejx7unpveskxar0wfujummjvux9djpu. 
 Oh cool! I follow him 👀 
 I don't know of any apps that ever built with this API, so it's ripe and ready. 
 I know @hzrd149 loves testing out cool stuff wonder if he’d be down to give it a try 👀 
 looks like this requires people to explicitly tag things. I have been thinking of a way to automatically detect any gif. Just cataloging them is the hard part. Maybe you could quickly add gifs to your local collection. 
 This is neat 
 Ask three times and it shall appear 🧞‍♂️👀 😂 
 Get your popcorn