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If you are comfortable sharing, what is your  relationship with religion? 

I think of myself as irreligious, but I do try to delve into texts (Christian and Hindu), I do not have qualms in accepting my humble being in front of the divine, I do wish to explore. 
 Not religious. 
 Same, but does it interest you?  
 Yes, to some extent. But it’s not high enough on the priority list. I’d only see the point of reading holy books if I could study them all side by side, including big and small pagan religions. In that way it could be a fair cultural and historical comparison, a study and not self propagandizing. 
 As in you read something in the bible and you think “oh Christians are so smart and virtuous” meanwhile that idea permeates all of religious texts and credit can’t be given to neither one of them. 
 If you haven’t seen it already watch a film “Man of the earth” it contains this idea of global influence (even if totally fictional) and is also a good film 
 I'm a very non-religious Christ follower. I detest modern denominational divisions.  
 Very interesting, what could be something you'd recommend to read or watch, that is reflects your thought process?  
 I would almost go as far to claim the same, well put 
 Zen Buddhist.

which isn't so much about being "religious".

but rather about seeing that everything as it is,
is already a religious experience. 
 How do you make sure your perception of something is exactly how It is?  
 Good question 👍

When we misperceive What Is, inevitably we fall into error. Then things don't work out the way we expect them to.

So we have to have the honesty with ourselves to acknowledge that mistaken perception and question our fundamental orientation.

It's a constant cycle of reflecting on how we fall into error and striving to not be caught up in things that cause us to misperceive. 
 Interesting, a constant endeavor to find "the truth" wherever it may lead you, while having the humbleness to except that your perception may fail future tests. 

Very similar to first principles thinking, I'm very aligned to this 😛 
 Im atheist, we have religions without god, like budism, but im not dogmatic, so atheist is a more acurate form of defining me in this context. The reality, the nature, and the humans are much more interesting and chalenger that any mistic magic whatever. 
 Grew up Catholic then Christian but never really got into it. Pretty much have always been agnostic towards "God." Started becoming more spiritual rather than religious towards the end of college.