When when I'm met with someone who's advocacy for any other form collectivism coordination it should always be met with this simple summary as i feel it is a quite complete encapsulation of the coercivists VS voluntaryists debate Should the world be ran by voluntary interactions and exchange guided by individual economic decisions OR should the world be planned and dictated by a small group of arbitrary people elected by a majority whom force their decree in everyone with violence.
Great discussion opening for exploring views and where the edges lie 🤝
If only they were arbitrary it wouldn’t be too bad ; unfortunately they are psychopaths 😒
The vast majority of people I know go with the second one. We live in a Hobbian world where we believe the Leviathan is required to tame the beast of man. It's not a coincidence that Hobbes was an empericist. In the world of the rationalist, monsters to rule man are not required. It's time for us to return to the fundamental questions we grappled with 300 years ago. We may have made a mistake.
For reference https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leviathan_(Hobbes_book)