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 how much will nostr accelerate the distribution of hate? 

 Par une bonne maîtrise de la répartie qui fait partie  des subtilités de la Communication verbale ou orale .....j'en ai usée à plusieurs reprises sur nostr voire sur X me concernant ... Pourquoi d'empoisonner par des individus qui peuvent être en souffrance à un moment T de de leur vie ou peut-être cela peut être lié' à une mauvaise compréhension , un choix de mots, des mauvaises postures, c'est complexe la communication en réseaux puisqu'il nous manque plein d'éléments visuels, des sensations, des fluides naturels que tout individu dégage naturellement, tels les phremones ,l'état de l'autre (humeur , fatigue, maladie, handicap , difficultés psychosociales ....tous ces éléments nous manquent dès lors on est communication virtuelle On ne voit pas  les  sensations etc... à prendre en compte donc demeurer l'esprit ouvert ...et zen  on y  gagnerait entre  nous ...l'usage des algos ne ferait que nous mettre dans des  *cases, groupes ..   un leurre in fine  *m'est avis ..un grand bonjour en tous les cas à vous  
 Hopefully not much 
 hopefully is the keyword 
 Does distribution include receiving of hate? Because me being the algorithm prevents hate from being received. Reply guys can distribute all they want. I'm not listening.  
 for those of us that have separate online personas, it's easier... but when hate is sent to you online, it's about how it changes others in your surroundings as well.  
 What hate? It's all love in here 
 Unfortunately there are haters everywhere 
 and there are no walls for them in nostr 
 sorry ill be more nice promise 
 Then let us not be part of that problem  
 With freedom of speech comes disagreement, but hopefully we can normalize doing it with civility and courtesy.  
 so, hopefully, ```zero```! 🤙 
 I think the important distinction of #nostr vs other "legacy" social media is that since we don't leverage an algo based on engagement - Negative or Positive, the content is judged by the merits of its content. 

What I mean is, the propagation of hate isn't supercharged here. 
Does hate-filled nonsense still exist? Sure but I think its reach is limited to purely those who wish to see it, not everyone else. 
 on nostr reach is definitely limited to those who wish to see it... that's what I'm bringing up.  @HODL had a good example


I haven't come across anything like that. 
I suppose that there could be actors on here that are trying to saturate the network with that filth. 

Hopefully the big brains on here can find ways to filter it out.

I think nostr has great potential.  
 i think its fixable on Nostr: crowd sourced content sorting aka #peercuration https://github.com/baumbit/peercuration?tab=readme-ov-file#peercuration 
 Excellent point.  
 When things are feed to you forcefully, it gives rise to hate. 
 that's big motivation for what I do... would love a world where nothing is forced on the individual... 
 Normally individuals will choose to filter out the content that they hate. Since that content can't be forced through via an algorithm, the muting provides friction for the undesired content to spread. 
 don't we all love a bit of hate scrolling tho? or do you think that's algorithmically induced? 🙈☺️ 
 I think very few people naturally like seeing things they hate to stew in their negative emotions. The rest are the victims of targeted propaganda efforts to keep them in a state of fear and anger. 
 We Don't hate 🫂 We Smile! Next! Stay on the Mission Just be you 🫡👌🧡  
 That image with the igniting row of matchsticks & one stepping out comes to mind.  
 Is it just me or are all your notes only posting to nostr.band? 👀 
 I dont know.  Quite a few errors right now, but I'm seeing my own as well distributed. I did a little rearranging yesterday, maybe too much? 😂 https://i.nostr.build/oRkSlb8TLd2qppwH.jpg 

these ones, i guess nostr.band is the only one you share in common

i'm not on any of these (paid only) but i guess coracle is finding them because of my follows list 
 Interesting, thank you. I'm experimenting again, so it's nice to get feedback from you keen ones.  
 i keep coming back to #coracle  it is definitely the best nostr client

#nostrudel  is good too, lots of neat little tools in it, and i like the emoji reactions but the auth is still not working right consistently, which again coracle has sorted 
 I enjoy Coracle very much & Satellite too. Nostrudel is neat, but it's bright 😂 so I don't use it much expect for feature specific needs. I'm mostly on mobile, especially since it's summer here.  
 i hate mobile, i hate wifi

in my near future there will be a whole dwelling fully shielded from microwave and longer wave radios AND high energy cosmic/x-gamma

because i hate radiation

and mobile means radiation 
 I hate sitting still. Trade offs 😂 
 yeah, as a programmer i have to sit still anyhow, getting myself up and moving around the only thing that is really gonna solve that problem for me is my own chooks, goats and sheep, and garden to take care of

living in rentals is the pits 
 🫂 I get that.  
 It's algorithms that inspire hate. Nostr focuses on users through trust and stays away from hate through blocking. Free expression and exchange of ideas is Nostr's culture. 
 not about individual... rather talking about the fact that you need is one dedicated hater to make nostr miserable experience for a lot of people... very curious how that plays out as nostr grows 
 I am a believer in people and good in them, ultimately we should be good, but we likely will suffer way more than necessary and break way too many individuals. 
 I haven't encountered this situation yet. The current users of Nostr form a solid cultural foundation. Hugs Uncle 🫂 
 Firstly, people aren’t particularly good imho. Secondly, just mute the ones you don’t like. Follow and follow back the one you like as well as the hashtags you’re interested in. And voilà, you have a beautiful community without interference from algorithms. 
 I don't see hate. I see exclusion to assholes. Go to your own island away from the communities that I care about. 
 it's more than that, nostr is getting too big to not have isolation between communities, there is only so much you can tolerate of fucking bullshit

that bullshit for me has been watching trans apologists posting nonsense

no, trans is not a healthy thing, it is a symptom of a disease much the same as paranoid schizophrenia, and we don't go around pandering to schizos who think the CIA is planting bugs in their house and pointing directed energy weapons at their bedrooms while they sleep

that is the kind of thing i'm getting tired of... and the hipster refugees from mastodon and bluesky are annoying as fuck to me as well, i don't want to have them intrude on threads that i am otherwise interested vomiting their hipster bullshit onto my pixels

and fuck your "tolerance" tolerance is just assholes trying to browbeat you into putting up with their shit so they can keep demoralizing you 
 i understand we're never going to align on the perspective of transgender. I still respect your desire to isolate yourself from that conversation. Isolated communities should at least keep it away from your life. If you don't encounter that content you wont be mad about it and i wont have to observe it. 
 yeah, shame about the poor kids who get tricked into sterilizing themselves though

as someone who was mutilated as part of a "normal" form of child abuse called circumcision i am extremely pissed at anyone who even apologises for this shit when it's unnecessary and not only that, in this case, product of a mental illness that the media is actively promoting

if you are against the banking cartels polluting our money you should understand that they also like to cull the herd and consider us to be livestock to be abused at their amusement

currency debasement, taxes, prohibition, these are in the same basket of things as promoting perversion and sterilising people

i mean, come on, does it really make any difference if you tricked someone to walk into a trap or if you sent violent men out to kidnap them?

same result, people in situations that benefit evil people

even you are confused about it 
 if i am confused, let me be confused away from you. Beyond that, conversation i can still have respect and converse with you. But this is veering away from the topic at hand. 
 you see the point then

and no, the very topic at point is the fact that this is an inevitable conflict without some kind of isolation method

i am not watching this shit

i already see enough disgusting garbage while i'm testing a bluesky agggregator code working on the posts, obvious comments relating to gay porn, ugh, already too far for me 
 > inevitable conflict without some kind of isolation method


I'm also curious about links to the posts you mentioned, but should I really see them? 
 i've been on the internet too long and had this stuff thrown at me by trolls too many times to be curious

for me, rotten.com was more pleasant than most of it

some people out there really don't know what is actually funny and what is just puerile, disgusting, or in some cases, seriously abusive, content that is the product of violence or mental illness 
 the trans agenda is literally the same as genocide in the "soft" form 
 When the establishment feels nostr is becoming a threat to their power. The establishment will then order their mainstream media to push the "nostr is distributing hate" narrative and get their bot farms to push hate material on nostr. 
That's when we will start to see the distribution of hate material on nostr  
 that's a good consideration, waiting for bot farm attacks 
 Bonne question qui mériterait tant de réflexions et une certaine maîtrise des divers modes et subtilités de la communication  en ligne ..pourtant depuis l'avènement du  web surtout dans certains domaines de formations, des cours ont été modifiés pour intégrer la dîmension des interactions en ligne en se basant les modes de communication neurolinguistiques (PNL)  surtout l'individu sur sa toute sa dimension  ...Ils sont très intéressants aident à gérer les conflits liés à plusieurs facteurs à prendre en compte .... 
 nostr is a prism through which we can view users' unfiltered thoughts. as such, the potential for hate-distribution is as unlimited as the potential for GM-distribution.

good question though, uncle 🫡  
 there is truth and power in hate, what I worry mostly about is people being broken

gm 🫡 
 Humans must continually heal themselves 
Those who have found peace should 
Continue to fight for those who haven’t
That’s my truth 
Humans always human.

 completely valid concern. i worry about that too! 
 Love can't exist without hate.
Light can't exist without darkness.

Life can't exist in a dead homogeneous universe.
 let's embrace the hate? 
 God gave us all love and hate, how you use it is up to you 
 The lack of algorithms might be our saviour. 
 u can see the negative divisive comments from some nostriches, nostr devs, Opensats board members, podcasters and influencers. It’s already here.  
 what are we gonna do about it? what can we do? 
 Encourage and commend their use of free speech while advocating critical thinking/reasoning skills.  Allowing individuals to read divisive comments and form a unique opinion on the matter.  
For example Id rather a rascist make their comments in the public square than behind closed doors.  Lets me know where i stand. 

Just a thought 
 how to answer an asshole: no answer 
 FAFO. 🤷🏽‍♂️ 
 “hello bitcoin twitter 2021, are still you there ..?” ☎️
 Bitcoin is love ❤️ no time for hate here. Normie world is full of hate and greed. They should be more human than thinking like bots.  
 Bitcoin is love, Nostr is not. 
 Nostr happened cuz of Bitcoin ❤️🎯 
 ok, Bitcoin is love, Nostr is not Bitcoin  
 Nostr is skin in the game. Bitcoin is soul? 
 people = people problems 
 One of the ground breaking things is free will > free speech. What Jack said at the Oslo Freedom Forum.

It can potentially spread hate and all the other bad things. But there no algorithms brainwashing us or driving the narrative of what we should think. No algos telling us how to be or behave. 

It can spread hate, but we all have the power now to build our own feeds with the things we like and people we admire and love. Hate stops driving the algo, and becomes just noise that anyone can mute.

I love curating my own feeds. It’s powerful. + no advertisers getting into my feed without my consent.

Nostr changes everything 
 That's the main reason I hardly spend any time on twitter. #NOSTR is mostly good vibes for me so far: it'bitcoin centric so I guess it's a reflection of the bitcoin community.  
 nostr could leverage incentives just like bitcoin does, and create crowd sources “reply trees”. 
 a reply tree, is achieved by sorting replies so that best reply to a note is always on top. gui needs to update a bit though 
 nostr is only partially attractive to haters. you can say what you want, but you’ll only reach those who want to listen. so, it’s just another bubble.

hate needs algorithms to artificially push content into people’s feeds to truly spread. 

and that’s where nostr wins. here, i control what i see and read. 
 Oh and when we start writing good AI Data Vending Machines (https://www.data-vending-machines.org/) then that will be through the roof.  
 Nostr is a mirror 👤🪞🌀 
 everything is a mirror these days 
 tat tvam asi ☺️ 
 I wanna be a spinning disco 🪩 ball 
 Not much, I hope. The algorithms on centralized platforms are likely responsible for most online hate. Here on Nostr, we have #freewill. 
 Hate to hear what you don't want to hear? 
 Do you encounter hatred here? I haven't come across much of it. I believe it will be less common here because there's nothing actively pushing people in that direction. Maybe I'm too idealistic, but I think most people are reasonable by nature. 
 You’re great is what you are ❤️ 
 some, but not as much as others have whose hate I observe... percentage wise it's more, which is normal considering no controls 
 and someone in the threads brought up a good point that a lot hate elsewhere is algorithm induced... here it's that pure, personal hate 
 I came across it once, I feel like the evilness lives on twitter more ngl 
 Hate and violence are part of every human being 
 The question is how we can prevent bots from appearing en masse in the future. Sats might be one answer to that 
 I come across differences of opinion all the time...but hate...no...(seriously).

I do however mute folks from time to time, so that may help... 
 It depends on who you ask 
 One hopes it won’t. 
I’m not an expert in the field of #nostr or its clients so not even sure it it’s possible but 
If one started amplifying algorithms it wouldn’t help. 

Birds of a feather flock together 🫂💜🚀 
 I just block it if I find it, tbh haven't had to do it a lot
 When you combine unfettered speech with open source AI trained to harass or recruit in service of hate, times will get "interesting".  
 what happened? 
 Hate what? Hate to here what you hate 
 The world now is infested by Islam 
 Other social media platforms are specifically channeling hate since it sales. Nostr doesn’t do that. 
 It’s the wolf you feed. 
 one thing I wish this thread focused more on is that it's not as much about hate your receive, but more about how others process hate you receive  
 free speech allows good speech to slay bad speech