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 @b17a3b4f yeah, I mean, welcome to dark fedi? Your instance gets hit eventually if you interact with "duh nazeeys and hate speach poesters" 
 @buy robux today :ROBUX: The thing is that I don't interact with "duh nazeeys and hate speach poesters". I, myself, am pretty block-happy with stuff like that, considering the virtual single-user-instance nature of this instance + the fact that I just don't want negativity and hateful trash on my timeline. 
 @b17a3b4f well uhh.. you're federating with me and the rest of my users, my instance has been blocked a lot because of "hate speech"

Guilt by association is the real culprit here, and is why everyone and their mothers gets defederated for no reason 
 @buy robux today :ROBUX: There's a difference between bogus claims made by others and those who are actively engaging in hateful dialogue. I've personally yet to notice and "hate speech" populating from your instance, otherwise I'd have probably muted/blocked users or the instance outright as I don't want to see deluges of racist shit on my timeline. ---That's why I've blocked instances like poa.st. 
 @b17a3b4f do you understand that if a fediblock poster sees instances like mine that are also on blocklists (mine has been on Oliphant since nearly inception) on twkn they will block you and post about you? 
 @buy robux today :ROBUX: These people are actively and maliciously sabotaging the network. 
 @b17a3b4f yes, they are fueled on guilt by association 
 I'm a pretty big chud, and he's interacted with me a few times. If you interact with me and my users it's expected you will end up on the tier-0 list eventually. 
 @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado @buy robux today :ROBUX: @b17a3b4f That's gotta be my favorite reason. "Federates/Associates with the usual suspects." Even if you don't technically break any rules, you are communicating with the untouchables, so you must be cast aside. 
 @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado I will interact with anyone if they're friendly and respectful. I conceptualize it as though we're all in a house party socializing. It's not a major concern of mine if you've said something offensive before somewhere else. If we're at a party together and you're being friendly and respectful and able to carry on a constructive, enjoyable conversation then you're good by me. Now, if I see you walk to another room and start throwing slurs around and being hateful, I might not want to associate with you further. But, I'm not going into any conversation or engagement with prejudice. Furthermore, how are we supposed to change or grow as people if we're unwilling to communicate? Alienation and censorship only fuels radicalization because it quarantines individuals from exposure to different ideas or points of view or experiences, and only ferments them within an ever-more-dogmatic group-think which necessitates allegiance and unanimity. 
 Unfortunately, that doesn't matter for the list-makers. It's not enough that my posts are hidden from their sight, nobody else they talk to must be able to see my posts either. 
 We really should get like this ourselves.

I don’t want someone around who is around the company of NIGGERS and FAGGOTS. 
 Sorry Owl, I'm not defederating clubcyberia. 
 @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado @owl. @b17a3b4f tell owl that eientei and clubcyberia are very friendly between each other :ryukoD: 
 Solid slam. 
 @b17a3b4f @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado 

>  Alienation and censorship only fuels radicalization

This has an inherent bias against reactions from exposure, which ironically account for most racism. 
 @89a8406c I don't understand what you mean? @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado 
 @b17a3b4f @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado 

e.g.  White people of Baltimore and Detroit are going to be more racist than White people living in Rhode Island or Vermont.

This is not due to isolation, but from "exposure to different ideas or points of view or experiences" explicitly. 
 @89a8406c Rhode Island and Vermont are more affluent with less criminality; Doesn't much have anything to do with race. The homeless and drug-addicted petty criminals I've run across in the PNW were all white. If you're only exposure is to a tiny microcosm then your biased will be limited to that vacuum. The solution isn't greater limitations of exposure, but more exposure to a larger sample. @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado 
 @b17a3b4f @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado 

I strongly disagree with a few of the assertions here, one must be willfully blind to believe such things. 
 @89a8406c That's okay. You're welcome to disagree. @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado 
 @b17a3b4f @Hoss “Cyber Jester” Delgado 

That's true, but here I am not the one leaning on a priori assertions, and the onus for such things isn't on me.