Oddbean new post about | logout
 seriously? wow. your rent pays the property taxes. you shouldn't be pretending to know what you're talking about. 
 renting is like paying a tax to a middle man in addition to the govt  
 Ok HFSP holding the biggest shitcoin of them all 
 I was poor, now, not so much. it's been good ride for the most part, but if you're still paying someone else's property taxes, it's not me that'll "hfsp". I'm going to be fine. good luck payin' that rent. 
 It makes no difference whether my rent goes to property tax or mortgage or whatever. I’m paying for a product/service no different than paying to watch a movie or going on vacation. It so happens to be called rent. When you pay for a product or service, should  it make you feel better /worse if the seller uses the proceeds to pay for overhead or if it’s pure profit? 
 lol ok, yeah, maybe you should break your medication in half. you're comparing owning land to going to a movie? but, you should stay in a rental & pay rent.  carry on and goood luck. 
 No I’m not comparing owning land to going to a movie. You’re hung up on the fact that rent goes to the landlords property tax. Why should I care if he uses rent for property tax or he uses it to go to the movies or flushes it down the toilet ? I decide if the product I’m receiving is worth the rent I’m paying. 

And yes land is a complete shitcoin when btc exists. Good luck moving bringing it with you when you have to flee. 
 wow, this guy thinks I'm going "to flee". 
if shit gets that bad. where do you think is safe? I have land in two places,  but I'm sure when you have to flee,  your new landlord will let you in with open arms. lol you're delusional about this.  btc ain't savin' you. you're already fucked. but, like I said, goood luck with that. #hfsp
 We already fled. We live outside the system. We have no bank accounts no credit score , no SEIZABLE property. Paid my landlord with btc just yesterday. My cost of living has gone down 40% since I left in Feb. how about you? 
 me too, except I own my land and still have  bank accounts because I still live I on the edge of the system. i exploit the system. congrats on living outside the system... pay that landlord who is in the system,  so you're really not out. 
#paytheman #rentistoodamnhigh
and once again  goood luck with that. you can reply again,  but I won't be. bye bye forever.

#delusion runs deep with this one.  
 Owning land AND having bank accts AND living in a country that extracts property tax makes you 100% in the system. So no not “ me too”. So u grow  some lettuce and fruits and maybe got a couple of chickens or even some cow.  By ur definition, any farmer is “me too “ out of the system.  That precious land you own is not ur land. Tell me what happens if you don’t pay property tax. As a matter of fact, even if they abolished property tax on your land it’s still not your land. They can expropriate it like they always do. You are about as out of the system as being in prison. 
As for me, if my landlord decides to boot me out , I move to another place. If the govt decides to take the apartment, he loses , not me. By ur definition , anyone who engages in financial transactions is in the system. 
When the system collapses , I don’t lose a penny. If I don’t like the govt here I move. Have fun with squatters or trying to sell ur precious land when everyone is trying to flee. 

I started off being helpful. You immediately go on the attack. Now you abandon ship bc u know deep down ur way more in the system then I am. Don’t reply but I know you read this. 
 helpful? you weren't helpful.  telling someone to move to another country to pay someone else rent is not helpful. some might argue it's utterly ridiculous to suggest to someone you know noooothing about. 
oh, and I don't believe you,  anyway. because things are easy to say on the interwebs. sure, there are some expats that may be btc only, but they're few and far between. and they certainly arent using their bandwidth (the system) to debate me. hey, that computer or phone, not in the system? tor doesn't make you less part of it, it just hides you.
you pay into the system with your rent. you use tools & software to communicate in the system.  
guess what?

the #delusion is strong with this one. 
 1- yes , I was being helpful. U asked for a way to avoid property tax. I gave you 2 suggestions in case you didn’t know. I didn’t tell you to move to El Salvador.  Your immediate response was for me to “ stop pretending to know what you’re talking about” 
2- I am willing to make a bet with you that we live on a btc standard. There’s no better place to do it than Nostr. Judging from your responses though , you seem like the type of guy who will move the goal posts no matter what proof I show you. If I have the receipts for rent and utilies and groceries , transportation , cell phone  etc in btc , is that good enough for you? Probably not bc that’s the kind of guy you are. 

And why wouldn’t I have the time to debate with you? I don’t have to   waste time chasing fiat investments for my melting ice cubes. 
3- I don’t think you even know what the “system” is. Yes I live on earth, yes I buy food and use a phone and internet. I even pay sales tax on products I buy. If doing those things puts me in the system, then yes you win. But unlike you, my property is my property and I am free to move whenever I want without losing my property. Unlike you , I can send and receive money without being censored. I don’t have to worry about banks freezing my money. I don’t have to worry about my money being devalued overnight or over the course of the next 10 years. 

So set the terms of the bet and let’s do it. I only accept btc , not shitcoins which includes fiat. 
 what's the bet? 
nevermind. I'm not much of a gambler anyway.
I typed out a long reply which I just deleted because but really it comes down to paying the rent. that doesn't make free or outside the system.
i'm going agree to disagree...because we do.
once again,  good luck and good bye.