(I should specify that they've had 10 days to do this assignment, and it's been not-cloudy for 8 of those days)
@e38e83a6 I've had some (very special, rare cases, however) where the assignment was available for *years* and they still required an extension.
@d1c5dbd7 what assignment did you have that took years?? I'm intrigued
@e38e83a6 Final year project with a student with severe chronic illness issues (though also with something of a glacial pace to reply to in between bouts... 😑). Very well-known to the special circumstances committee for extending and extending and extending... But we got it in the end!
@d1c5dbd7 That's a really lovely story!! Thank you
@e38e83a6 there's a certain type of student brain that reads "due in 10 days" not as "I have ten days to do it” but “I have to do it in 10 days -<n hours>” My kid is one of those... it’s a constant battle. I suggest telling that it's due tomorrow, every day, for the whole ten days. Some of your students will submit 10 photos, but more might at least submit 1 :-)
@ddae04ed Of course, *I* never procrastinate on anything. Hahahahhaaha I procrastinate on everything