Oddbean new post about | logout
 It's part of what's now been defined (after a 10 year fatal fight) at the U.N. ( via Special Rapporteur on Torture, Inhumane and Degrading Treatment as #cybertorture  (see documents folder in .zip here for documentary background: https://www.cipherassets.com/2022/11/operation-order-of-nine-angles-opo9a.html including that UN definition ).  Arrived on #nostr  in part to see if it could be used for court records, like so: https://coracle.social/topics/TortureLog starting to work. NB #NewHumanRights  #Colorado  (relate);  

1.  https://gazette.com/military/conspiracy-theory-claims-schriever-air-force-base-home-to-mind-control-torture-system/article_9eccb330-a6fc-11e8-978c-3b510945024d.html (my allegations, 2018).

2.  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/first-law-protecting-consumers-brainwaves-signed-by-colorado-governor/ar-BB1lOVeM 

3.  https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2024A/bills/2024a_1058_01.pdf 

Example(s):  per #TortureLog  ... not just WOT score manipulation (to keep my credibility low/economic warfare #4thReich  etc) ... also manipulating my followers and follwing counts (same account I can't follow ... no matter how many times I try etc).  Usual bullshit for me (but maybe you don't realise this stuff happens on #nostr  too (torture) ... and will get up to speed more with the right #nostrdevs  (me being new doesn't know who they are) and try ... better code (somehow).  TIA for the interest in this subject. #cybertorture 
 WOT score held at 28 ... bust through, leapt to where abouts it likely should have been (64-67) ... What do you see now though (and all my new following reset AND all my followers, dumped ... down to 2 (?).  :/ 
 Punishment squad for; https://coracle.social/notes/

 Note, to detect #Marberg loose in #UK  right now in #London  we would need our #NHS  #testinglabs  ... to be working.  Are you aware of the #ransomware  attack on ... #NHS  in #London  / #UK  right now (taking out as it would just so happen ... our TESTING LAB RESULTS). ;) #OpO9A 
 If someone got in ... maybe the 'blank line(s)' shown here relate? #hack  https://ibb.co/r3N8cMs ??? Anyone got any idea(s)? (I'm nostring via coracle/web-interface fyi. (firefox/no2fox).