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 hmmm yes to the current u.s. led regime being authoritarian af, but unclear about the grouping of those three words in particular. what do you mean emerge from hardship? when we say authoritarianism are we talking about state interventions to maintain the master slave paradigm?  
 The EU is no different. In a a sense in fact you could well label tge EU communist since it's lead by unelected, self appointed  in the commission deciding over economic policies of member states through their Broad Economic Policies. The link between communism and fascism is their authoritarian nature. Don't forget fascism was born out of socialism, driven by socialists like Musolini and Hitler. Hitler was also an environmentalist I'm told, not surprising when you hear the greenies nowadays who'd be more than happy to lock us up and prevent free movement. By hardship I mean, tough times, chaos or paradigm shifts like a currency reset which happen every 80 or so years. We also have in mind the fourth turning here. By all accounts it does appear like we are in one, especially with wars resurfacing. Regarding tghe master/slave paradigm, that's my understanding, authoritarian regimes ensure power ends up in a few select hands. 
 hmmm thanks for the clarification and the engagement, though i dont quiet understand how a capitalist economy like the EU could ever be labeled communist. why do you attach the communist label to unelected, self appointed comissions? though i know france at one point had communes, most commies would agree that hitler and musolini were state capitalists who weilded the state apparatus to kill a bunch of people and maintain the class structure vs communists who democratize the workplace. do we label the democrats in the u.s. as harbingers of democracy while they take legalized bribes from corporations to craft the law in their favor? it just seems like bad faith to include communist in the same sentence as authoritarian and facism, given communism advocates for the withering away of the state and elimination of the master slave paradigm. i dont know many communists who are pro state. do you? 
 Communism has been the greatest exemple of state control. I actually reflected upon this ideology recently after reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. Somehow she advocates austrian economics and you'll probably bump into bitcoiners mentioning her. I heard Michael Saylor's keynote speech and I knew I needeed to read that book. The EU has a lot in common with communism:  the economy is rigged, the decision making completely escapes any form of democratic control and the so called "free trade" agreements are written to favour always the same actors, the multi-nationals who want to dominate their markets and crush all the small players. Consider Staline's regime, would you  call it democratic? Were farmers willingly giving away all their productions for the greater good? In the end, extreme state control always ends up destroying the economy, as portrayed in Atlas Shrugged: https://youtu.be/ZcjFrIMw2sI?si=9UHRBGI84TSd2DpW