BigMac 2002: €2.37
BigMac 2024: €5.99
Gold price 2002: €300
Gold price 2024: €2,000
Real estate 2002: €117,000
Real estate 2024: €550,000
Silver price 2002: €5
Silver price 2024: €28
#Bitcoin 2012: €14
#Bitcoin 2024: €65,000
Do you notice anything?
65g mars bar in 1990 25p
51g mars bar in 2024 87p
Big Macs are now Small Macs
yes they got replaced with big tasty, which has pljeskavica instead of hamburger patty
The currency is getting weaker.
Act accordingly
Big Mac kostet 6 Euro? Im Ernst??
...würde ich fast food essen wäre ich jetzt sehr empört.
UND! Er ist kleiner geworden 😏
Ich finde die Dönerpreise mittlerweile viel unverschämter
The last one looks like a bubble, the financial expert on TV with a PhD in economics told me.
I should have been buying BTC when I first heard about it in 2010 and the money is broken
2002 to 2016 was like 10% difference, I'd expect.
Yeah... we all getting richer because theres more money circulating 😅
silver is almost as shit a commodity as a big mac