Oddbean new post about | logout
 yeah, that happened a few months ago when i tried to disable widevine and it kept nagging me to turn it back on


no, and also, again


DRM is not ok, and i will never accept it and stop asking me, no

not only that, their support of the rust language makes me sick, and you do realise that rust is the fucknig darling of the shitcoiners, right? right? 
 I agree with you on DRM

Not so sure about rust being bad because shitcoins tho. Everyone entitled to their opinion 
 btcd takes about 40 seconds to compile from source

bitcoin core takes about 45 minutes to compile

simple rust servers, i forget which one because i try to forget waiting for 10 minutes for simple tools to compile, take minutes to compile, 5-10 minimum

honestly, if i'm working as a programmer, do i really want to wait 5 minutes, or 10 minutes, or half an hour, just to see if changing one line of code fixes a bug?

are you bonkers? 
 Ok rust the language good. Rust the compile time categorically unexcusable  
 lol, which makes it precisely the same as C++, except slightly better memory management, that takes you over a month to wrap your head around

no, if i had to choose a server implementation language and it couldn't be go, it would be C, because C is better than C++ and its bastard child Rust 
 I got nothing against c.  
 c is fast, c is brutal... c is basically assembler with curly brackets! 
 How do you compare vlang against go? 
 vlang has a stupid mutability thing like rust, which is a total waste of time because most of the time you need mutability and making that necessary to specify all the time is retarded

the thing i liked about it was they made it a simpler syntax and so it compiles a lot faster than rust

i just don't see any reason to bother with any other language... in 2018 i became a #golang maxi and like how i became a #bitcoin maxi in 2021 it's a one way change, i chafe at even having to include other languages in my project at all

there just is no reason for it, and the irritation at all the other bullshit of other languages, the compile times, the syntax ambiguity, the ugly appearance, retarded idiom, whatever else... i'm impatient and i just don't see why i should wait when i don't have to

when i compile Go code it runs under 2 seconds later, every time except the very first for a big codebase, then maybe i wait 10 seconds

no other language has optimized for this kind of ergonomics 
 also, everyone's entitled to their monero inflation bugs and their ethereum stick insect hero

doesn't mean that it's wise or productive 
 I'm not a shitcoiner you're preaching to the choir lol 
 A little tip that might blow maxi minds so fair warning: You can use Monero without saving in Monero 🤯