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 Addendum 3 cont'd

In 1 Year Child Poverty in U.S. More Than Doubled
Staggering rise follows GOP & Joe Manchin’s crusade to kill expanded child care credit

Poverty in United States: 2022

https://persagen.com >> search: "joe manchin"

#GOP #JoeManchin #poverty #Medicaid #PovertyIndustrialComplex #capitalism #PrivateEquity #corporations #DefundCorporations #HumanRights #WealthInequality #inflation #CorporateGreed #avarice #DefundBillionaires

 Addendum 3 cont'd 2/

Child poverty is a choice

* 2022: child poverty rate spiked to 12.4%
*  7.2% than 2021, per U.S. Census: https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/newsroom/press-kits/2023/iphi/20230912-iphi-slides-poverty.pdf
* children who exp. poverty endure immediate hardships: food insecurity/hunger; inadequate clothing; lack of health care; overcrowded/substandard housing/homelessness"
* long-term consequences of child poverty are severe: https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/0713_dutta-gupta_testimony.pdf

#poverty #PovertyIndustrialComplex #DefundCorporations #HumanRights #GOP 
 Addendum 4: Commoditization of debt

Credit card debt collection
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37490241

Commoditization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commoditization
* process by which goods that have economic value end up becoming simple commodities in eyes of market, consumers, corporarations

#ommoditization #debt #ConsumerDebt #poverty #PovertyIndustrialComplex #capitalism #corporations #CorporateGreed #avarice #DefundCorporations #HumanRights #GOP 
See also A3 cont'd, above

Child Poverty More Than Doubled in 2022 After Congress Let Tax Credit Expire

* child poverty skyrocketed in 2022 after lawmakers allowed pandemic stimulus provisions to expire
* left millions to languish even as pandemic & its economic consequences raged on

Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2022: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2023/income-poverty-health-insurance-coverage.html 
 A5 cont'd

No Accident Poverty Just Jumped
Spiked after lawmakers let antipoverty programs expire

* 60% incr. 2021-2022 b/c politicians allowed proven income support programs to expire
* frising prices, low wages, high rents, broken healthcare system
* w/o safety net/level playing field, financial security often out of reach for families

Income, Poverty & Health Insurance Statistics: https://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-kits/2023/income-poverty.html

#GOP #GOPmenace #poverty #ChildPoverty #HumanRights #inflation 
 Addendum 6

Perusing my morning informational feeds and this parasite popped up via the Hacker News post (I script the most upvoted &/or commented to be emailed to me, daily).

An article by billionaire neofascist Joe Lonsdale, https://blog.joelonsdale.com/p/jefferson-and-americas-lost-idea, espousing his twisted ideology. The HN discussion, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37532234, thus far fails to correctly identify Lonsdale for who he is, the danger he presents.

Lonsdale's Cicero Institute cloaks itself as a solution to the issue of homelessness. 

That solution includes the demonization of homelessness and the involuntary (for-profit) incarceration and treatment.

Billionaires profiting from human misery; poverty industrial complex.

Vancouver, B.C. Canada billionaire (who behind the scenes funds elections of far-right political candidates here and Alberta - e.g. Take Back Alberta far-right group) has the Pacific Prosperity Network.
 cont'd 2/

PPN funded the anti-addition, anti-homeless "Vancouver Is Dying" propaganda - used to elect a political neophyte mayor of Vancouver; used by TBA in recent Alberta election.

Back to Lonsdale: model acts (carbon copy legislation distributed to U.S. legislatures to enact neoconservative agendae) are a bane of U.S. politics.

Like ALEC/others, the Cicero Institute churns out model acts including this gem:

Reducing Street Homelessness Act
 cont'd 3/

https://persagen.com >> seach: 
"cicero institute" OR "joe lonsdale"
"Reducing Street Homelessness Act"
"chip wilson" OR "pacific prosperity network"
"vancouver is dying"
homeless* AND discriminat*

See also: Billionaires, existential risk from

#JoeLonsdale #Musk #DefundBillionaires #homelessness #CiceroInstitute #corporations #DefundCorporations #neofascism #ModelActs #ModelLegislatin #discrimination #GOP #GOPmenace #capitalism #socialism #PublicHealth
