Story time. I was a late comer to bitcoin. In 2019 I started a new job at a very stressful trading desk (fortune 500 brokerage). In any event, my team leader was a bit of a rogue. I knew him from a previous job where he was my subordinate and I new he was a big goldbug. Interestingly enough, He had graduated to bitcoin. Id never heard of or ever bought any btc or any altcoins. Over the course of the year, he convinced me to buy a decent chunk. My cost basis was near 59. I spent the next year listening to 1000s of hours of BTC podcasts, read Price if Tomorrow and thankfully learned about Saylor. I rode losses down to 15,500. —Heres the interesting part. I became so sure, so unbelievably certain that id be okay, that I sold ALL MY BITCOIN two days before the new year to harvest the tax loss. I then proceeded to rebuy every dollar worth back over the following month in January on the way back up. I Lowered my cost basis to ~17k and religiously started buying dips from time to time. —-I have never traded BTC before or after this event. I considered it and I still consider Bitcoin to be the only “asymmetrical bet” Ive ever encountered. 🧡👊🏻🍻