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 Primal feature request time! 

Let us know what you would like to see next in Primal. What’s missing? What’s busted? What irritates you? What are your hopes and dreams? 

Tell us and we will make it so. 🫡 
 En el transcurso del día como lo usé te digo cualquier cosa Miljan 🫡
 NIP-42 AUTH please! https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/42.md 
 NIP-42 get on with it it's just a signed event with a different envelope! 
 Support for viewing long form in the feed as well as the ability to create them. Onward. 🫡 
 Muting keywords/hashtags 
 Yes. That would be great 
 Also my banner is a gif & it remains static when viewing my profile 
 Maybe just a few (and I mean it!) basic typo controls (bold, italic, colour and the like). 
 Would also be nice if the first character was capitalized on Android.  Don't know why, but it's the only app where it doesn't happen. 
 I haven't been able to watch videos on primal, I click on a video and it takes me away from the site  
 same here. Android. sometimes it wants me to download them.  
 I think primal is great, I would like to see in primal a polls option and an integration with some chat application more interactive and friendly than the existing ones and why not even a streaming application in the future. 

Thanks 😉 🤙  
 - More emojis as reactions, it's fundamental as Primal users can't see them.
- tag im notes, using @ would be nice to show a selection of users as you type letters.

Little bug I noticed is that Max number of follows is stuck after 1600 and doesn't show more, but you can follow them, just.

Great work as always with latest update.. IDEMOO! 🫂🤙🍀💜 
 I would like to see mentions with auto complete and push notifications. 
 Primal seems to always load slowly, specifically when I open the app. All I see are old events and notes from the last time that I opened the app. I have to wait a while before new data is populated. This is the main reason I don't use Primal that often. When I'm looking for something new, I get frustrated and end up just using another client because I don't want to wait.

Nests integration. When @Kieran finishes the implementation of the new audio egress replacement, we will have compatability for all Nests, just not the ones that specifically enable this feature. 
 Second the top part it takes a while to load new notes. Faster updating on first starting the app. Id like to be able to create, edit and view lists and private bookmarks. Nests and zap stream would be nice too. 
 Thanks Derek! 

To be clear, you are referring to the Android client, right? Does the new pull-to-refresh feature help? 

I hear you regarding Nests integration. We'll chat more.  
 yes, Android, yes, the pull to refresh helps for the feed. notifications are still slow to load, but faster than before. DMs are very slow to load. 
 Ok good to know. Yeah, we'll fix the DMs. We are aiming to improve the performance across the board.  
 In my experience when I minimize Primal in Android, sometimes when open it again, take some time to load new notes. Should load new notes instantly. 
 I have this experience too. 
 Flashing icons when there are open rooms on  @Nostr Nests   @Corny Chat and zap.stream 🫂  
 A block button, and Gifs, thank you! 
 I'd like an easier way to jump to the first unread note when I open the app, so I don't have to scroll down to the last post I remember seeing. 
 Bonne idée merci FingerCramp 
 Managing multiple accounts. Big screen version for iPad. 
 Cashu Zap support, maybe an integrated cashu wallet would be cool too 
 Would be great to be able to log in with Amber app for Android!  
 Support for multiple accounts in the web app please. 
 Hello,  @miljan! If you're really interested in improving Primal (desktop version), as I realize you are, just yesterday I posted a big note about my experience using Primal/Snort/Iris. I tagged you in the note, as did the other developers, but it seems like no one really cares what users have to say! 🤔https://primal.net/e/note1dxag2u7tkar9xx4a58g6evy3nge25ky6nc6mgh5w9hmcqsgmt0zsx9qsn6 
 Awesome; thank you for the detailed feedback!  
  @miljan, of all the clients I use, Primal wins hands down. If you look a little at Snort/Iris and try, not to copy them, of course, but look at the features they made available to users, Primal will be a #Noster TOP 1 client application on the market! 😉  
 Rajoutez svp la traduction automatique comme dans améthyste ou X .. L'ai déjà suggérée depuis le début. Merci  
 -it takes a second to fetch notes after first opening the app
-a tiny thing is the reposted thing above a reposted note in my feed should be indented like twitter
-zaps with an external wallet 
 notification loading/refresh is sort of confusing. I go to notifications tab and wait... unclear if it's still loading and I might have notifications, or it's done loading and I don't.  
 Play videos in app. 
 I’ve encountered a bug where comments on threads will reply back to the original post instead of any particular comment I’m replying to which then fails to notify the people I’m responding to. Happy to share examples if needed. Love the app otherwise, it’s my daily driver! But for comments this was posted via Damus 😕 
 ipad support 
 working on it 🫡  
 I miss or dont know how to switch between different timeframes in Feeds. I would like to see -Trending 1h, 4h, 12h, 24h (maybe 2 or 3 days or 1 week…)
 no. deliberate. 
 >Sorting replies to notes by likes and zaps
>Sorting notes in my following feed by likes and zaps
>Going to a person's profile and sorting notes by likes and zaps
 Login with NsecBunker🫡 
 The desktop site puts my mini PC into overdrive every time I open it. Only primal does that, not sure what you have running in the background but its very resource intensive for some reason. Idle at 49C, pushes to 77C when I pull up a primal tab. 
 Only Zaps 
 improvements in messages please eg attachments 
 Notification improvements. Most of the times I randomly open the notifications tab and see that i have new notifications that i didn't even know about. They also don't show the timestamp, so they could even be a week old for all i know. 
 I'm a simply pleb so just two requests:

1. Lists support -did this on Twitter a lot to lower the noise on my home page, and to be able to focus on just the things I want to see at that particular time

2. Timeline saves - simply showing me new notes since last time I logged on would be fine, but I'd rather my feed load to whatever note on the timeline I last stopped, and only new notes appear and autoload as I scrolled down.

Ok maybe not the simplest of request 🤣  
 Sharing notes between users. 
 Replies to notes should be shown in chronological order 
 I found a little bug on the Primal website, I wanted to 'unlike' some note but the number of likes increased instead. Is that normal or is it just my internal error? 
 DMs improvement ! I know nostr isn’t a great fit for this right now but really I have people who are DMing me on here and it’s kind a hard to keep track of them and the sorting is bad 
 Fountain integration for smoth sharing of clips 
 🫂🤙 nice 
 Can @tunestr or zap.stream live streams be brought in, similar to how Amethyst does?  I don’t know what @Vitor Pamplona does but I hear from android users that zap.stream is very smooth in that client. 
 I forgot to mention we need a media section to easily access photos and videos previously posted, thank you! 
 live option and video option. a system like nostur could be great  
 Migrate to the new DM system to stop leaking metadata everywhere. :) 
 Thanks; considering it! 

When it comes to client support, it's Amethyst and Coracle at the moment, right?  
 + 0xChat and Gossip I believe.  
 Ah, better than I thought; thanks! 
 I would like to use lightning in NY please. 
 As already written, two features if possible:

- an option to open links with the OS default browser

- it would be super cool to have the feed remembering where you were last time you used the app and new posts loaded on top without the app going automatically to the newest one

Thank you! 🙏 
 On web clients I want QR code zaps so very badly. Switching devices often I may not have my Mutiny wallet active for Zapple pay to work. This leaves me unable to zap plebs when I'm between devices. Having a QR option would allow me to ZAP SATS from any mobile wallet I want when I'm on any of my browser based devices. Such a huge ux improvement for my personal use case. Please and thank you 🧡  
 Ability to order the feed by people I follow rather than chronological, as I can on RSS readers like feedbro, so I can prioritize high value posters over frequent writers.

For example, suppose I follow Matthew, Mark Luke, John and Bob. And this is ordered most to least valuable to me (for value is subjective).

Say it's been a week since I've been on and while Bob posts daily, Matthew's posts once. But I prize what Matthew says. So I'd expect to see Matthew's new note first, and last, Bob. 

But as Primal stands today, I'd see chatty Bob first, and may miss high value but infrequent poster Matt, in the noise. 
 Push notes for zaps and mentions! 
 Bring live streams to primal! just like Amethyst
 I would like to be able to customize my Lightning address! 🥲 
 Better integration/help to migrate from other social media 
 I really don’t like seeing pictures and videos that are not the full width (iPhone) it’s stupid but I cant transition from Damus to primal because of it … 
 Anonymous zaps 
 Press-hold zaps for other amounts
Some way to show text is over the “Read More” threshold. 
 Press-hold for custom zap amounts it's already implement. 
 🫨 I actually tried doing that before posting and couldn’t do it. When I saw your reply  thought this was a “it’s done, no need to thank” but no.

Also, you *could* have zapped -.- 
 Group chats! 
  @miljan I can't say this enough, so I hope it's on the priority list. For those of us with a smaller set of friends that we want to keep in touch with, the only reason why I still use Facebook for the most part is Messenger with those small groups.  Being able to move those chats to Primal would be ideal, and would enable me to leave those other corporate silos in the past. 
 How about the ability to bookmark profiles so we can go to their npub quickly instead of searching for them in our follow list or scrolling to find them in the feed. 
 Because the timeline is in strict chronological order, could we have an option to "start feed at ..." and the ability to select a date/time so we can jump down to that point in the timeline? 
 Profile tags! I'd love to be able to give tags to profiles that I follow so that I can get a feed of specific sets of people from within that giant follow list.  Things like "local", "news", "devs", "memes", things like that. 
 Junk food content:
Celebrities, popculture, etc 
 A feed option where the scroll starts with my last read note.
There are a few news and other sources where I want to read all the notes from a specific npub. Too much time is spent scrolling back to find the last note I read.
I want to open the client and pick up where I left off. 
 Image feed, maybe hashtag based ? 
 gif support 🙏🙏 
 Hello, I really love it 💜 , but I can't zap here in   @primal.  It says "We were unable to send this zap" .  I am using Wallet of Satoshi and nos2x extension. Thanks for reading.  
 I’m very anxious to start using Primal but my iPhone is below iOS 16 so I can’t install the app, So I'll have to wait until I get money to change my smartphone cause by now I can’t afford it 😐⚡️ 
 I would like to see an option in Notification settings to be notified when people I follow bookmark notes. 
 Android app:

- video playback in-app instead of being downloaded/opened by external browser

- @ tagging auto completition 
 When I go to send zaps to someone, I would like to have an indication that the one from the list is the one that I follow in Nostr.

 This bug is irritating: Primal needs to decide if is a reply or a mention.
Obs. Show replied two times and a mention for the same note.

 In my opinion, before implement new features, you should fix the problems that irritates the users. I already created some issues of these kind. Hope to see them fixed as soon as possible. Thanks. 
 -animated gifs on mobile
-primal lightning wallet extension for firefox
-all in one feed with followed users and hashtags
 I should be able to make text look bigger 
 Edit and delete 
 It seems like oftentimes when I'm scrolling and touch an image as I'm swiping, it doesn't register the touch input. I commonly find myself specifically needing to swipe/touch text to continue scrolling. 

Also, I feel like integrated video viewing/playing should be pretty high up on your priority list. People aren't used to apps opening a browser to watch a video these days. 

Automatically capitalize the first letter of a sentence for us? 

All of this on Android. Cheers! 
 I'm bookmarking this note, since I just started using Primal about a minute or two ago at the time of posting. I'll reply to this note whenever I have some ideas. 
 And not a minute later, I notice that the notifications are a bit busted. I can't get the ones I have from Iris to show up. 
 I want to select some text from a note to copy or translate it. That’s the only reason I use Damus 

And flatten likes on a note into a single notification à la twitter 
 I use primal on a large Android  tablet .. sometimes with keybord hooked ( in landscape mode) .. the problem is Primal opens up only in portrait ! .. 

also need keyboard shortcuts ..preferably vim keybindings  .. but that's more if a wish list ! .. for now :-) 
 vim keybindings 💯  
 Not sure if possible on nostr but the ability to edit posts would be good 
 Can we request a feature removal?
I'd like it to stop randomly removing everyone in my following list 
 - Bug: One slow or unresponding relay can hang the whole UI by keeping the note composer open forever. This sometimes happens if one of the relays I use is down or unreachable due to network restrictions. After a few moments I have to close it manually. Opt to optimistic updates and show an error message if a relay is being a butt and perhaps allow the user to ignore errors from that relay going forward (list = ignored relays).
- You still use outdated relay storage. Please use kind:10002 instead.
- Keyboard shotcuts in the webapp.
** n = New note
** ctrl+enter = send note
** tab = go down the list of currently displayed notes (might need to use tab-order or other attrs)
*** [L]ike, [R]epost, [Q]uote, [B]ookmark
- Badges support
- Status support
** Opt to show status in DM menu
- Custom emojis support
- Respect self-DMing (aka. Note To Self); right now I end up in the "Not followed" tab, it is a super useful feature to get stuff from device A to B.
- "Seen on" option in the ... menu to figure out where a note is at or was seen at.
- Option to dismiss the Downloads sidebar entry (opt-in). I have the app, it's just kinda broken on my Pixel Fold...
- Search: Whenever I tried to manually search for (user)_at_(instance)@mostr.pub it would fail to find anything. Maybe look into your NIP-05 resolver?
- We can manage Muted accounts, but not blocked ones?
- Option to DISABLE URL previews or make them smaller - they are big and can bloat a note that only means to reference a thing.

Smaller, less important things:
- Render LN invoices
- Render popular cloud streaming services like Spotify and friends in a nice way. Sadly, song.link does not have a public API, but it would help since not all of those links actually have proper og:-metadata.
- NosTree interop: Allow pointing at a list for custom links.
- In fact, render referenced lists and some other kinds in nostr:-prefixed entities.
- Gallery: Show all the media a user has posted (aka.: foreach n in user.notes: n.contains(urlMatcher).endsWith(imgMatcher) )

Least important: NWC interop. 
 Morning, have you fixed the issue that the preview of a link is displayed under a note?
Last time we had this conversation it didn’t 
 In one of the last versions of Primal it was announced that it’s now possible to have several nsec connected to Primal.

I’ve got the latest version of Primal and I can’t find the option to add another nsec in Settings so that I can have two nostr-profiles in the same app. 
 A feature similar to Telegram's 'Folders' would be a welcome addition for mobile Nostr. The ability to create a folder and then fill it with specific npubs. I can manually mimic this on desktop using browser bookmarks but not within mobile apps.

If that's too difficult to implement, at least some way to manually sort my following list and pin selected npubs to the top of the list.

Home feeds are good at displaying notes from the heaviest users but everyone else you follow sort of gets drowned out. This is made more frustrating since it can sometimes take minutes for the npub entries in the following list to update to display actual names and profile pics, and once they do refresh, it's just a bunch of people named DAN. 🤣 

 An edit option or a cancel note option within the first minute(s) after posting a note, incase you spot a mistake or have a doubt. Something like what some email providers offer, that let you cancel your send email within a minute.

#editnote #cancelnote 
 I would like option to password protect the app 
 Zapping without Alby or Mutiny. 
 AI driven voice UI for the visually challenged. Basically a little nostr dobby. House elf.

Yes. I am a grown assed man asking for a Nostr house elf.
Not proud but there you have it. 
 We’d like to see automatic filters remove dangerous language from Nostr. 

If there was a way to delete dangerous tweets on here and also report them to LEA. 
 Remember feed sort preference after app is closed 
 I know it's been mentioned in this thread, but its super annoying when videos download/open in the browser instead of playing in app 
 I seem to be missing notes from people I follow. I see them in my trending 24h feed (on android) or the primary feed (on ios), but not the primary feed on android 
 1) Wallet values do not update. 2) Switching the screen display content needs 3 taps and is annoying. 3) Notifications are glitchy, time-consuming, and disorganized. 4) Content takes time to update.  
 Ability for a post to be tagged as NSFW - which obscures the image unless clicked. 
 Primal is perfect... just ossify it 😅 
 There's a distinct paucity of desktop clients. 
PWA clients feel clunky and usually have bugs (Primal included!). No wallet there also.

Any chance of a native desktop client for (say) Ubuntu with a zap capability? Something like Gossip with zaps? 
 being able to "unlike" posts, have that also broadcast to relays 
 The ability to be able to mute specific hashtags. 
 also to be able to reach de @-ed people on latest with replies feeds. clicks there do nothing  