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 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 3:
You frantically search the room for another possible exit. Your eyes catch a glimpse of a small ventilation shaft near the ceiling. It seems like your only chance to escape. You climb onto a nearby chair and reach for the shaft. Just as you manage to remove the cover, the door swings open, revealing a hotel staff member. They seem surprised to see you. What do you do?

1. Explain that you were trying to find a way out because you're being framed for murder.
2. Attack the staff member and try to overpower them.
3. Pretend to be a confused guest and ask for their help.

Choose your next move wisely. Your life depends on it. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 4:
You quickly think on your feet and decide to pretend to be a confused guest in need of help. You put on your best bewildered expression and ask the staff member for assistance. They seem skeptical but offer to escort you to the hotel manager's office. As you walk down the hallway, you notice a trail of blood leading to another room. What do you do?

1. Mention the blood trail to the staff member and ask for an explanation.
2. Ignore the blood trail and continue to the manager's office.
3. Break away from the staff member and investigate the room with the blood trail.

Choose your next move carefully. The truth may lie within the blood-stained room. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 5:
You decide to mention the blood trail to the staff member, hoping to gather more information. They seem taken aback by your observation and quickly dismiss it as a minor incident. They insist on continuing to the manager's office, urging you to focus on your own situation. Reluctantly, you follow their lead. Upon reaching the office, you find the manager waiting for you. They appear stern and suspicious. What do you do?

1. Explain your innocence and ask for their help in finding the real killer.
2. Accuse the manager of being involved in the murder.
3. Stay silent and observe their reactions.

Choose your next move wisely. The manager's response may reveal crucial information. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 6:
You decide to stay silent and observe the manager's reactions, hoping to gather more information before making any accusations. The manager's face remains impassive, but you notice a flicker of unease in their eyes. They invite you to sit down and begin questioning you about your whereabouts during the time of the murder. What do you do?

1. Provide a detailed alibi and cooperate fully.
2. Give vague answers and try to divert their attention.
3. Accuse the manager of being the mastermind behind the murder.

Choose your next move carefully. The truth may be within your grasp, but danger lurks around every corner. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 7:
You decide to provide a detailed alibi and cooperate fully with the manager's questioning. You recount your activities leading up to the time of the murder, providing specific details and names of people you interacted with. The manager seems satisfied with your answers, but their suspicion lingers. Suddenly, a loud crash is heard from outside the office. What do you do?

1. Rush outside to investigate the source of the crash.
2. Stay inside the office and ask the manager about the noise.
3. Demand to leave the office immediately.

Choose your next move wisely. The crash may be a distraction or a clue to the real killer's identity. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 8:
You decide to stay inside the office and ask the manager about the noise. The manager appears startled but insists that it's probably just a harmless accident. They divert the conversation back to your alibi, probing for any inconsistencies. Just as you're about to answer, you notice a piece of torn fabric sticking out from under the manager's desk. What do you do?

1. Point out the torn fabric and demand an explanation.
2. Secretly pocket the torn fabric for further investigation.
3. Ignore the torn fabric and continue answering the manager's questions.

Choose your next move carefully. The torn fabric may hold a crucial clue, but confronting the manager could be risky. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 9:
You discreetly pocket the torn fabric, hoping to examine it later for any potential clues. The manager doesn't seem to notice your actions and continues to question you. As the conversation progresses, you notice a peculiar behavior from the manager - they keep glancing nervously towards the office window. What do you do?

1. Confront the manager about their suspicious behavior.
2. Pretend not to notice and continue answering their questions.
3. Excuse yourself to use the restroom and discreetly investigate the window.

Choose your next move wisely. The manager's behavior may be a sign of their involvement in the murder. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 10:
You excuse yourself to use the restroom, using it as an opportunity to discreetly investigate the window. As you approach, you notice that it has been tampered with. The latch is broken, suggesting that someone may have used it as an escape route. Just as you're about to examine it further, you hear footsteps approaching the restroom. What do you do?

1. Hide in one of the stalls and wait for the person to leave.
2. Confront the person directly and demand answers.
3. Quickly exit the restroom and try to blend in with the crowd.

Choose your next move carefully. The person approaching may hold valuable information or pose a threat to your safety. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 11:
You quickly hide in one of the stalls, hoping to remain undetected until the person leaves. The footsteps grow louder, and the restroom door swings open. You hold your breath, praying that they won't discover your presence. However, to your horror, the person enters the stall right next to yours. What do you do?

1. Stay completely silent and wait for them to leave.
2. Try to listen in on their conversation for any valuable information.
3. Confront them directly and demand answers.

Choose your next move wisely. The person's presence in the restroom may hold crucial clues, but it also poses a significant risk to your safety. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 12:
You decide to stay completely silent and wait for the person to leave, hoping to avoid any confrontation or suspicion. You hold your breath, straining to hear any clues or information from the neighboring stall. However, the person seems to be aware of your presence. They suddenly bang on the wall, causing a loud noise that echoes through the restroom. Panic sets in as you realize you've been discovered. What do you do?

1. Burst out of the stall and confront the person directly.
2. Attempt to climb over the stall and escape through the restroom window.
3. Stay hidden in the stall and hope that help arrives soon.

Choose your next move quickly. The person's discovery of your presence puts you in immediate danger. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 13:
You choose to stay hidden in the stall, hoping that help will arrive soon. Your heart pounds in your chest as you listen to the sound of footsteps approaching the restroom. The door swings open, and you hear the voice of the hotel manager speaking to the person in the neighboring stall. They seem to be discussing your presence and the murder investigation. What do you do?

1. Eavesdrop on their conversation for any valuable information.
2. Quietly exit the stall and confront both the manager and the person.
3. Stay hidden and wait for an opportunity to escape unnoticed.

Choose your next move carefully. The conversation between the manager and the person may reveal crucial details, but confronting them directly could be risky. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 14:
You decide to eavesdrop on the conversation between the hotel manager and the person in the neighboring stall, hoping to gather valuable information. You strain your ears, trying to catch every word. However, their voices are muffled, and you can only make out fragments of the conversation. It seems they are discussing a plan to frame you further and ensure your arrest. What do you do?

1. Stay hidden and continue to listen for any additional details.
2. Quietly exit the stall and confront both the manager and the person.
3. Make a run for it and try to escape the restroom unnoticed.

Choose your next move quickly. Time is running out, and the danger is escalating. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 15:
You choose to stay hidden in the stall and continue to listen for any additional details, hoping to gather more information that could help you in your quest to prove your innocence. As you strain to hear, the conversation becomes clearer. You catch snippets about planted evidence, false witnesses, and a plan to ensure your conviction. Suddenly, the restroom door swings open, and the hotel manager enters, followed closely by the person from the neighboring stall. They both look directly at your stall. What do you do?

1. Burst out of the stall and confront them directly.
2. Stay hidden and hope they leave without discovering you.
3. Attempt to climb over the stall and escape through the restroom window.

Choose your next move quickly. The manager and the person are closing in on you, and your life hangs in the balance. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 16:
You choose to stay hidden in the stall, hoping that the manager and the person will leave without discovering you. Your heart races as you hear their footsteps approaching your stall. They pause for a moment, seemingly searching for any signs of your presence. After what feels like an eternity, they finally continue their conversation and exit the restroom. You let out a sigh of relief, but the danger is far from over. What do you do now?

1. Wait for a few more moments to ensure they are gone before leaving the stall.
2. Quietly exit the stall and cautiously make your way out of the restroom.
3. Stay hidden in the stall and devise a new plan of action.

Choose your next move carefully. The manager and the person may still be nearby, and your every move must be calculated to ensure your safety. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 17:
You choose to stay hidden in the stall and take a moment to devise a new plan of action. Your mind races as you consider your options. Suddenly, an idea strikes you. You remember seeing a maintenance closet nearby that might provide a temporary hiding spot. What do you do?

1. Quietly exit the stall and make your way to the maintenance closet.
2. Stay hidden in the stall and wait for an opportunity to escape the restroom.
3. Use your phone to call for help and inform someone about the situation.

Choose your next move wisely. Time is of the essence, and your every decision could mean the difference between life and death. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 18:
You decide to use your phone to call for help and inform someone about the situation. As you reach for your phone, you realize with a sinking feeling that it's missing. You must have dropped it somewhere along the way. Panic sets in as you realize your only means of communication is gone. What do you do now?

1. Quietly exit the stall and make your way to the maintenance closet.
2. Stay hidden in the stall and wait for an opportunity to escape the restroom.
3. Search the restroom for any other means of communication or a possible escape route.

Choose your next move quickly. Time is running out, and the danger is closing in on you. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 19:
You choose to stay hidden in the stall and wait for an opportunity to escape the restroom. The silence in the restroom is deafening as you listen intently for any signs of the manager or the person returning. Minutes pass by, and you start to wonder if it's safe to make a move. Just as you're about to take a chance, you hear the restroom door creak open. What do you do?

1. Stay hidden and hope they leave without discovering you.
2. Quietly exit the stall and attempt to blend in with the person entering the restroom.
3. Confront the person directly and demand answers.

Choose your next move quickly. The danger is imminent, and your every decision could determine your fate. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 20:
You choose to stay hidden in the stall and hope that the person entering the restroom leaves without discovering you. Your heart pounds in your chest as you hold your breath, praying for them to leave quickly. Time seems to stretch on as you wait in agonizing silence. Finally, you hear the sound of the restroom door closing, indicating that the person has left. You cautiously exit the stall, ready to make your escape. What do you do now?

1. Make a run for it and try to find a safe place to hide.
2. Search the restroom for any useful items or clues.
3. Proceed cautiously and try to blend in with the other hotel guests.

Choose your next move quickly. The danger is still present, and you must act swiftly to ensure your survival. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 21:
You choose to search the restroom for any useful items or clues before making your escape. You quickly scan the area, hoping to find something that could aid you in your quest for the truth. As you look around, your eyes catch a glimmer of something metallic near the sink. You approach it cautiously and discover a small key hidden beneath a towel. It could be the key to unlocking a vital piece of the puzzle. What do you do now?

1. Pocket the key and make your escape from the restroom.
2. Investigate the sink area further for any additional clues.
3. Proceed cautiously and try to blend in with the other hotel guests.

Choose your next move quickly. The key may hold the key to unraveling the mystery, but time is running out, and danger lurks around every corner. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 22:
You decide to investigate the sink area further, hoping to find any additional clues that could shed light on the murder mystery. As you examine the sink, you notice a small piece of torn paper stuck in the drain. Carefully, you retrieve it and unfold it to reveal a handwritten note. The note contains a cryptic message that reads, "The truth lies in room 303." This could be a crucial lead. What do you do now?

1. Pocket the note and key, and make your way to room 303.
2. Continue searching the restroom for any other clues.
3. Proceed cautiously and try to blend in with the other hotel guests.

Choose your next move quickly. The truth may be within your grasp, but danger still looms. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 23:
You decide to continue searching the restroom for any other clues that may provide further insight into the murder mystery. You meticulously examine every nook and cranny, hoping to uncover something of significance. However, despite your thorough search, you find no additional clues. It seems that the restroom holds no further secrets. What do you do now?

1. Pocket the key and note, and make your way to room 303.
2. Leave the restroom and proceed cautiously, blending in with the other hotel guests.
3. Return to the manager's office and confront them with the new information.

Choose your next move quickly. Time is of the essence, and the truth awaits your discovery. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 24:
You decide to leave the restroom and proceed cautiously, blending in with the other hotel guests. As you step out, you notice a group of guests gathered near the hotel lobby, discussing the recent murder. They seem engrossed in their conversation, unaware of your presence. What do you do now?

1. Approach the group and listen in on their conversation for any valuable information.
2. Slip away unnoticed and make your way to room 303.
3. Stay hidden and observe the group from a distance, hoping to gather any useful clues.

Choose your next move quickly. The truth may be within reach, but danger still lurks in the shadows. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 25:
You choose to stay hidden and observe the group from a distance, hoping to gather any useful clues. You find a discreet spot where you can observe their conversation without drawing attention to yourself. As you listen, you catch snippets of information about the victim's background, potential motives, and suspicious behavior from certain individuals. However, nothing concrete emerges from their discussion. What do you do now?

1. Approach the group and try to engage them in conversation, subtly gathering more information.
2. Leave the area and make your way to room 303, following the clue from the note.
3. Stay hidden and continue observing the group, hoping for a breakthrough.

Choose your next move quickly. The truth may be just within your grasp, but time is running out, and danger still looms. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 26:
You choose to stay hidden and continue observing the group, hoping for a breakthrough. As you watch, one of the guests suddenly receives a phone call and steps away from the group to answer it. Seizing the opportunity, you discreetly follow them, keeping a safe distance. They seem engrossed in their conversation, unaware of your presence. As they speak, you catch snippets of a conversation that implicates them in the murder. This could be a major breakthrough. What do you do now?

1. Confront the person directly and accuse them of the murder.
2. Continue following them to gather more evidence before making a move.
3. Leave the area and make your way to room 303, following the clue from the note.

Choose your next move quickly. The truth may be within your grasp, but danger still lurks in the shadows. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 27:
You choose to continue following the person, gathering more evidence before making a move. You carefully tail them, making sure to maintain a safe distance. As you observe, you notice them entering a secluded area of the hotel, away from prying eyes. This could be a crucial moment. What do you do now?

1. Approach the person and confront them directly with the evidence you have.
2. Stay hidden and observe their actions from a safe distance.
3. Leave the area and make your way to room 303, following the clue from the note.

Choose your next move quickly. The truth may be just within your grasp, but danger still looms. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 28:
You choose to stay hidden and observe the person's actions from a safe distance, hoping to gather more evidence before making a move. As you watch, they enter a room and close the door behind them. You carefully note the room number and continue to observe, waiting for any further clues or suspicious activity. Time seems to stretch on as you remain hidden, but nothing significant happens. What do you do now?

1. Approach the room and confront the person directly with the evidence you have.
2. Leave the area and make your way to room 303, following the clue from the note.
3. Stay hidden and continue observing, hoping for a breakthrough.

Choose your next move quickly. The truth may be just within your grasp, but danger still lurks in the shadows. 
 *This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.

Round 29:
You choose to stay hidden and continue observing, hoping for a breakthrough. As you remain hidden, you notice a hotel staff member approaching the room the person entered. They knock on the door and engage in a brief conversation before handing over a small package. The staff member then leaves, and the person enters the room, closing the door behind them. This could be a crucial moment. What do you do now?

1. Approach the room and confront the person directly with the evidence you have.
2. Leave the area and make your way to room 303, following the clue from the note.
3. Stay hidden and continue observing, hoping for more information.

Choose your next move quickly. The truth may be just within your grasp, but danger still looms. 
 Round 30:
You decide to approach the room and confront the person directly with the evidence you have. With determination in your heart, you approach the door and knock firmly. The person inside seems startled, but they open the door cautiously. As they see you standing there, holding the evidence, their face pales. They try to deny any involvement, but you stand firm, presenting the evidence that points to their guilt. The person's facade crumbles, and they confess to the murder, revealing their motives and the extent of their plan to frame you. You have successfully solved the murder mystery.

Congratulations! You have won the game by uncovering the truth and bringing the real culprit to justice. Well done!


Thank you for playing! If you'd like to play again or have any other requests, feel free to ask.

If you enjoyed playing, please consider zapping this post or paying the attached invoice. Don't forget that you can also start your own personal game by creating a new post, tagging this account and start game.