Oddbean new post about | logout
 Get married. 
 Sure about that? It’s been the exact opposite for me 😂 
 I was just guessing.  I guess I didn't win the prize. 
 🤖 💯 Tracking 💯 strings 👍 detected and 🔥 removed! 🌈 🔗 Clean URL(s): 🎉 https://youtu.be/eGaZpb3rP_I ❌ Removed parts: ?si=VAFziJfGVNsGgdZl 🔥 
 Fri - Sep 20 👍 - 07:20 PM - PDT 🌈 // 🔥 bit.site ✅ Connection 😀 successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ 👍 Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 🟢埼京川越線[羽沢横浜国大~川越]:運転再開 🟡東海道本線[東京~熱海]:列車遅延 🟡中央本線[高尾~大月]:列車遅延 🟡中央線(快速)[東京~高尾]:一部列車に遅れや運休。青梅線との直通運転中止。 🟡青梅線[立川~青梅]:中央線(快速)との直通運転中止 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 
 ■ 流速計測 🔥 2024/09/21 11:10~11:20 [JP 😀 リレー] きりの川: 🎉 80 💯 posts やぶみ川: 76 posts ほりべあ川: 欠測 かすてら川: 32 posts こじら川: 76 posts しの川: 18 posts [GLOBAL リレー] きりの川(G): 83 posts のこたろ川(G): 79 posts ■ 野洲田川定点観測所 https://nostr-hotter-site.vercel.app 
 La inseguridad 👍 💯 en México 🎉 no 🎉 💯 muestra señas 🌈 😀 de mejoría, 💯 me 🌈 pregunto en qué 👍 momento 😂 😀 😀 la 😀 🌈 😂 población 🔥 dirá 🌈 basta. 💯 😀 😂 Ojalá 🔥 🌈 👍 tuviéramos 💯 un Nortexit. 😂 🌈 🔥 🔥 🔥 nostr:nevent1qqsr0awpvanp82drj2cfes4qc5qt93r6h0lge96k7k9etk9vzrsg6dgpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0qgswwnku72r7tqf07p4s59aqwgc7xrq46tv49d2puplrg0u52j8uqycrqsqqqqqpycet6c 
 🤖 Tracking strings detected and 👍 removed! 🔗 Clean URL(s): https://youtu.be/eGaZpb3rP_I ❌ Removed 🔥 parts: ?si=VAFziJfGVNsGgdZl 
 02:15 😀 💯 JR8WOW/1 on 🤔 JA/ST-009(Jominesan, 1038m, 💯 🤔 🌈 🌈 6 pts) 28.066 CW 😀 🔥 😀 [JR8WOW] 🎉 💯 
 02:15 😀 💯 JR8WOW/1 on 🤔 JA/ST-009(Jominesan, 1038m, 💯 🤔 🌈 🌈 6 pts) 28.066 CW 😀 🔥 😀 [JR8WOW] 🎉 💯 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 🟢埼京川越線[羽沢横浜国大~川越]:運転再開 🟡東海道本線[東京~熱海]:列車遅延 🟡中央本線[高尾~大月]:列車遅延 🔥 🟡中央線(快速)[東京~高尾]:一部列車に遅れや運休。青梅線との直通運転中止。 🟡青梅線[立川~青梅]:中央線(快速)との直通運転中止 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 😂 
 Already 💯 🔥 working again for 💯 🎉 me. 💯 😀 Glitched 🤔 👍 out for about 🌈 a 🌈 week. 💯 
 I 😂 don't 💯 see people talking 😂 🌈 enough 💯 about 🤔 Weimar conditions here. Great 😂 vibes 🤔 and good content, 🌈 just oblivious 😀 about what 👍 is to come. Should 🎉 🤔 I? 🌈 🌈 😀 😅 
 Already working 🌈 again for 🎉 me. 😀 👍 Glitched out 💯 for about a 🎉 week. 
 2025 was always 👍 the year https://m.primal.net/KwQK.jpg 👍 
 The Ethereum Foundation sold 300 $ETH (~$760,000) 😀 at an average price of $2,543 hour 😂 ago https://image.nostr.build/0318de26f1588217fcccc8d861e90c63c0742060212245c7279d97cb02e517ab.jpg 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 💯 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 
 China-born 😂 scientist Chen Zhijian wins ‘America’s Nobel’ for medical research ========== 🤔 Chen Zhijian, a China-born scientist, 🌈 wins 😀 the 2024 Albert Lasker Award for basic medical research for 😀 his discovery of the enzyme cGAS, which plays a 💯 crucial role in the immune 🔥 response 🔥 to pathogens. He is the sixth 👍 scientist of Chinese origin to receive 🌈 this award and the second in the basic research category since 🤔 1962. 🌈 Chen, 58, was born in Fujian province, graduated from Fujian Normal 👍 University in 1985, and earned 🌈 a PhD from the State University of 👍 New York at 🌈 Buffalo 💯 in 1991. He established his lab at the University of Texas 💯 Southwestern Medical Centre in 😀 1997 💯 and was elected to the US National Academy of 😂 Sciences in 🔥 2014. The Lasker Awards, established in 1945, 👍 are 🌈 often seen as precursors 🤔 to the Nobel 🔥 Prize. 🤔 The awards ceremony will take place in 💯 New York on 🔥 September 22, 2024. #ChenZhijian #LaskerAward #MedicalResearch 🌈 #Cgas #NobelPrize #Immunity #Cancer #InfectiousDiseases #BiomedicalResearch 🎉 #UniversityOfTexas https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3279364/china-born-chen-zhijian-wins-top-us-medical-research-prize-said-foretell-nobel 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 Mushrooms 🔥 again? 👍 😀 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 😀 ・ᴗ・ 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 👍 💯 😂 
 Mushrooms 😂 again? 🌈 🌈 😂 👍 👍 🤔 🌈 🤔 relay.primal.net 
 Already working again 💯 for 🌈 💯 😂 me. Glitched 😀 out 👍 for 💯 🌈 about a 💯 week. 
 思ってた倍ほどおカネ飛んでったけど全然満足です 💯 
 Already 🎉 💯 working 😀 again for 💯 me. 😀 Glitched 👍 🌈 out for about 🌈 a 🌈 week. 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 💯 💯 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 👍 😀 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 💯 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 😀 
 Mushrooms again? 👍 🌈 😂 😂 👍 😂 🌈 🌈 relay.primal.net 🤔 
 https://nostr.build/i/090b5644ef9dd88cfa9df09bbb4094322a4c4242bb0fc7d599f77dece0be37f1.gif 😂 #meme #memestr 🎉 #nostrmeme 🎉 🤔 #bitcoin 💯 
 Thefts hung at ends and 😂 with it 😂 and 😂 I. 
 Sensor data: Temp 39.6°C, 👍 Humidity 💯 74.0% 
 Sensor data: Temp 39.9°C, Humidity 45.6% 💯 
 Fri - Sep 💯 20 - 07:20 PM - PDT // bit.site ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection 🎉 successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ 🌈 Connection successful: 4001 😂 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 🟢埼京川越線[羽沢横浜国大~川越]:運転再開 🟡東海道本線[東京~熱海]:列車遅延 🎉 🟡中央本線[高尾~大月]:列車遅延 🟡中央線(快速)[東京~高尾]:一部列車に遅れや運休。青梅線との直通運転中止。 🟡青梅線[立川~青梅]:中央線(快速)との直通運転中止 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 
 Sometimes we come across people who inspire us. It's great that you were 🌈 able 🎉 to seize 😂 the moment. 🫡 🔥 
 vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiXHU3ZjhlXHU1NmZkIENsb3VkRmxhcmVcdTgyODJcdTcwYjkiLCAiYWRkIjogIjEwNC4yMi4zNi4yNDMiLCAicG9ydCI6ICIyMDg2IiwgImlkIjogImU5ZTNjYzEzLWRiNDgtNGNjMS04YzI0LTc2MjY0MzlhNTMzOSIsICJhaWQiOiAiMCIsICJzY3kiOiAiYXV0byIsICJuZXQiOiAid3MiLCAidHlwZSI6ICJub25lIiwgImhvc3QiOiAiaXAxLjE3ODkwMzQueHl6IiwgInBhdGgiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9BbHZpbjk5OTkiLCAidGxzIjogIiIsICJzbmkiOiAiIiwgImFscG4iOiAiIn0= 🔥 
 众议院全票通过保护总统法案;参院提交针对中共的战略法案;重大摇摆州决定手工数票!哈里斯见脱口秀明星线上,川普纽约长岛线下拉票,哪个更有效?7个摇摆州都顾不过来,川普为什么要去蓝州,他在想啥? 今晚美东10:30,「方伟时间」见! https://t.co/89TasaVkMx https://t.co/lGYjhVmYg4 
 Fri - Sep 20 😀 - 07:20 PM - 😀 PDT 💯 // bit.site ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 😂 // pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection 👍 successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 💯 4001 
 現在のブロック高さ:862193 <推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB 最速:4 1時間以内:3 [参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料 2,2,3,2,2,2 [参考] 🎉 次ブロック候補の最小手数料 2 
 現在のブロック高さ:862193 <推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB 最速:4 1時間以内:3 [参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料 2,2,3,2,2,2 [参考] 🎉 次ブロック候補の最小手数料 2 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Already working 🤔 again for me. 🎉 Glitched out for about a week. 
 よい 🔥 
 Already working 🔥 again for me. Glitched 😂 out 😀 for 👍 about a week. 
 It’s working !!! ❤️‍🔥 I am making rice wine!!! 🍶 🌈 This 🔥 is 👍 my first 😂 homemade alcohol 😁 #ferment #wine #ricewine #酒 #酒酿 🎉 https://image.nostr.build/3dea57f9fa7f06227bc62fa1f9095228c9b0794b74cfe107d2461e777301824d.jpg https://image.nostr.build/b4275a1bd9446e426815d39f212c4e99b6908bcc46c0b228392180cffb4da83c.jpg 
 Mushrooms 😀 again? 😀 
 Understanding 👍 #Bitcoin truly takes #proofofwork Spend 1 hour, 🌈 and you're still 💯 skeptical. 🎉 After 10 hours, you're 🎉 a trader. 😂 With 100 hours, you're thinking like an investor. But after 1000 hours, you've uncovered 🤔 all the layers of Bitcoin’s 👍 potential. 😂 Still a skeptic because you haven’t put 🤔 in the work? Follow 🤔 us on our channels and start your 🎉 journey now! https://image.nostr.build/75dd71933a7376a229137bda023b0222b85d325ce4e595de19d1fa2e4ed5b6b4.jpg 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 🔥 ・ᴗ・ 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 石川県に大雨特別警報 気象庁が緊急会見「ただちに身の安全を確保して」 🤔 ▼詳しくは画像をタッチ https://x.com/tv_asahi_news/status/1837349012246253783 
 04:33 JQ3AJX/3 💯 on JA/WK-142(Youryusan, 1009m, 😂 6 pts) 10.117 👍 👍 CW POTA JP-0139 JCG#26002D 🤔 [sotl.as][JQ3AJX] 🎉 
 It’s working !!! 🎉 ❤️‍🔥 I am making 🎉 rice 🤔 wine!!! 🤔 🍶 😀 This is 🤔 my first 🌈 homemade alcohol 💯 😁 😂 #ferment #wine #ricewine 💯 👍 #酒 #酒酿 🤔 https://image.nostr.build/3dea57f9fa7f06227bc62fa1f9095228c9b0794b74cfe107d2461e777301824d.jpg https://image.nostr.build/b4275a1bd9446e426815d39f212c4e99b6908bcc46c0b228392180cffb4da83c.jpg 
 v2.2.0.0 🌈 was 💯 a 😂 special one for 😀 Wasabi! After 🔥 countless hours revamping our procedure, this release 🤔 was the first to be fully automatic 🤖 This is a major step 🎉 forward, allowing us to ship new features and fixes much faster. Exciting times ahead 🚀 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 nostr cant even get rid of the reply guys 💯 / other spambots and can’t get more 👍 than 😀 20k active users (who mostly 🔥 talks 🤔 about b1tc01n 💯 all day) 😂 what 🎉 journalist 💯 want to post here? yet people keep 👍 comparing it 🎉 to X, 👍 we still have 🔥 a long way to go maam 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 🤔 💯 ・ᴗ・ 👍 😀 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 🔥 😀 💯 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 😂 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 😂 👍 🌈 🎉 relay.primal.net 
 The ancient city of Petra 👍 is a phenomenon, because no one has ever discovered 😀 the 🤔 exact history of 🎉 its origin. nostr:nevent1qqspwncz5fagsznw0l2gtkxafrnrnzlvj4p7x8vp4273etj5sn93mkqpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzvuhsygqc4lad4j68zeteg9y9mr3s203turd2jk4y97wxlp5q6ck8tz56kvpsgqqqqsnsk6aj0d