Smiles behind tears is the promise the world made to us since the beginning of time Even when I'm alone, today comes from yesterday of two and it shines Just like the first day we met, you're not in my memories But you touch my cheek like a gentle breeze Even after our farewells in an afternoon lit by sunlight filtering through the trees, the promise of the world will never be broken Even when I'm alone, tomorrow has unlimited possibilities than today What you taught me The dawn behind night You are not in my memories But you live forever in melody of nature, colour of the sky, and scent of flowers 当然ながら誰かと初めて会う日にはその相手との思い出はありません ぼんやりと歌を聞くと「別れの悲しみを乗り越えて元気出す歌」のように解釈しまてしまいます。実際に「頑張ってる私」を慰める歌なのかも知れませんが、今日アルゴリズムが私に聞かせた時は未来への希望に焦点を当てる伸び伸びとした歌に聞こえた ハウルの動く城の映画フィルムの一コマが入った置物を今も戸棚に持っています