I'll never forget my grandmother and my mother in the living room watching Ronald Regan.
"They're defunding the mental institutions..."
"Yep. It won't be right away, but in about 30 years, you're gonna see crazy people roaming the streets in droves. It won't be safe to go out any more."
I had no real idea what they were talking about, but I remember it was a big deal, and now here we are, seeing the impacts of that.
Homeless people are the scourge of modern cities. Luckily I'm now in Wyoming where there are no homeless people.
I have always maintained that I would be willing to pay to get homeless people tf out of my city me. But the modern city seems to want to have you pay for the privilege of having homeless people roaming all over the place.
I just want a facility outside of town that is free and voluntary to enter and exit(though transportation out isn't free). Within this facility nothing is required of you(besides reasonable behavior), but you can opt into doing tasks around the shelter to make a little money and improve your position.
Thise who are truly in need of help would quickly work their way out and those who are mentally disabled or useless would have a place to be.