Oddbean new post about | logout

you supported  Copa and helped bring that pathological liar and con man to justice  
you legend. 
 Thank you Copa.  Thank you Jack. And Thank you Lyn for the laugh. 
 Jack thank you for letting me buy MSTR on CashApp. Little things like that move more and more people to grasp Bitcoin and what it means to really own something 
 In the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god..
Þa hyrdas ða spræcon him betweonan, æfter ðæra engla fram-færelde, "Uton gefaran to Bethleem, and geseon þæt word þe geworden is, and God us geswutelode." Eala hu rihtlice hi andetton þone halgan geleafan mid þisum wordum! "On frymðe wæs word, and þæt word wæs mid Gode, and þæt word wæs God". Word bið wisdomes geswutelung, and þæt Word, þæt is se Wisdom, is acenned of ðam Ælmihtigum Fæder, butan anginne; forðan ðe he wæs æfre God of Gode, Wisdom of ðam wisan Fæder. Nis he na geworht, forðan ðe he is God, and na gesceaft; ac se Ælmihtiga Fæder gesceop þurh ðone Wisdom ealle gesceafta, and hi ealle ðurh þone Halgan Gast geliffæste.
 Probably after halving? :)