Oddbean new post about | logout
 if you add more relays you’ll be fine 

everything should populate again once you add certain ones 

quick question: have you ALWAYS only had 1 relay ? 
 no, average around 30

I’m just testing out what some of the results are for a user that gets their one and only nuked, a post-mortem if you will

- profile info gone
- mute list gone
- most followers pfps gone, but some remain, but why?
- can’t pull up users with @ 

yes, nostr works best with many relays and here’s why… 
 @elsat is gonna love reading this 
 Opportunity for user education. It’s a little bit like complaining that your money is gone but you’re only looking at the balance of one account while ignore the other accounts you have. Your data isn’t gone, you’re app just isn’t looking at it. 
 this is good

“Oh im the wrong account, phew. Thank God for nostr.” 
 Not sure if that’s sarcastic, lol. But Nostr is different and users need to learn that. I’ve never seen anyone advocate for having only one single relay. It’s about redundancy of your data so that when (not if) this happens you haven’t lost access to everything and can recover. We shouldn’t try to dumb down the UI for Nostr so much that users can’t benefit from its most important qualities. 
 “It’s about redundancy of your data so that when (not if) this happens you haven’t lost access to everything and can recover.”

good too

no, not sarcasm, and I have no idea who I’m talking too atm

why is it that Ser Sleepy is visible, but your pfp/name isn’t? https://image.nostr.build/e97b4fcc67d6ddb58ed26c891021239f32c68c7324bf32f1231157fb031a1512.jpg  
 Lol 😂 This is corndalorian. I just tried rebroadcasting my profile data. See if it hit the relay you’re on. 😂 
 went to your profile and it “refreshed” the data 🤙 So should clients send that out once a day to be more resilient? The idea being will have a future of more nukes on different relays in which we connect to. https://image.nostr.build/b3697f3ee131d0a659f4a3b09c49b857d5fb0410f7db432426d970172afa0146.jpg  
 Good question and I don’t understand how clients find/fetch data well enough to know the answer. What I do understand is that it shows the need (at least for now) for regular backups, and for relays like Blastr to send your events to as many relays as possible, and Purple Pages to load user profile data. 
 I don’t have this problem on Primal. It has happened multiple times after a reinstall of Damus. 
 yes, that means it’s working, I checked primal and everything is there, just looking for ways we can improve clients for when this happens again 
 That’s because Primal caches everything centrally on their servers. Good for user experience. But just susceptible to deletion without your control if that’s the only place you rely on for accessing it. 
 I kind of like the idea of one relay that can be nuked and all history deleted forever (for anyone who wants that option). I know screenshots exist, but sometimes you just want to start fresh and get rid of the old stuff, as much as possible 
 The only way to be sure of that is to never use Nostr in the first place 😂 As long as your note exists on one relay or in someone’s backup somewhere, it can be rebroadcast to other relays again. 
 that’s what interesting, can that even be done? burner relays? lots of what I’m missing right now is on other relays, just waiting for me to repopulate the data on this client.

there would have to be a 1 relay only rule and the relay would kick out any new npub that connects to another relay