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 After all the fallen bitcoin heroes, you would think that plebs learned… “Dont trust, very” or “Slay your heroes” all that and more mantras on BT and just go for short visit there and the amount of simps is not smaller oh no, its growing. The amount of simps he has is staggering. Im starting to think Bitcoiners truly are the dumbest bunch. A lot of people stopped learning and prefers to have a person to listen. Maybe its long bear market, maybe just laziness or apathy or maybe many of us are just this fucking dumb 
 It's just more people, I suspect. Not that the previous ones turned into simps. 
 time in the market > timing the market

same with estimating the value of influencoors 
 Yes, many became Saylor simps 
 Oh, wow, okay. Geez, that hurts. 😬