RHR #309: THE PETRODOLLAR GRAND FINALE WITH @ODELL AND @MartyBent https://cdn.satellite.earth/cb50ef130279fb2f5a8de7a40e0aa9e6c77e18f5be87b99b8d4f907ca2642907.mp4
I got sick of hearing @ODELL say OpenSats needed more individual donors so I created a few t-shirt designs in hopes of donating a portion of profits to open source development. “Be the change you want to see” GM 🫡 https://www.etsy.com/shop/OrangeThreadsXYZ
Hmm.. Why not just straight up donate to developers?
That too 👍
When the BRICS nations lose trust in each other, the IMF will try to step in to offer the SDR as the intermediary currency. Hopefully, they will view the IMF as an American institution (based in Washington, D.C.) and immediately turn to #bitcoin.