no one is talking about "hatred" or "judgement" necessarily but thats what weak minds jump to when they see stats that dont match what their mommy told them... we are talking about basic and reasonable discernment according to the reality of the situation. the reality of the situation in america is that the black population, particularly the young black men, is out of control and we need to be able to identify the problem concretely - the abstract archetypes that amount to excuses and victimhood after all this time and all this opportunity are useless for the victims of the knockout game, mass lootings , and murder... they are also useless for policy since things have gotten markedly worse POST civil rights... and these talking points aint just a white thang, brotha :
The problem with generalization is that there are many young Black youths contributing to society, both in the military and in the fight against this unfair financial system along with us. Saying that a person is inherently violent or a bad element just because of the color of their skin is very disrespectful towards our fellow members, imo. And I think it's also very lazy.
Lazy? 💻 Uncertain whether a valid assumption there, sport
and what then are the benefits of generalization ?
Generalization works great with less complex objects, but when it comes to humans, we are very complex. Even my brother has a completely different experience and understanding of life than I do.
so wait a second - race and crime proclivities and statistics are just relatively "complex" "objects" ?
Groups are analyzed as a group. An individual cannot be "spread out" to be representative of a group.