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 Interoperability goes both ways though, if you go off doing your own thing, you also won’t be as able to leverage content from other clients. 

Btw saw your comment about book reviews in the NIPs. I’ve settled on a similar rating structure (should be implemented soon). https://github.com/RydalWater/OpenLibrarian

It will be great to see if we can get them interoperable for both our use cases. Looking forward to seeing your client. 
 Absolutely! Ping me if you want to discuss anything. I’m focused on getting something I can launch, but will participate more in the NIPs repo after that. 
 Minutes after reading this I heard in a podcast that @merryoscar is building book reviews in fountain too. 💪

 Awesome, yeah will have a listen. I know the fountain team are looking at audio books so it will be great to link in with them. 

My focus is books reading, tracking, challenges, reviews and maybe pointing folks to where they can find/read books since open library have a lot of books available to borrow. Further out I’d like to do more like allow books markets. If you are interested I have a rough roadmap on my GitHub readme.

What is your client’s focus? A review app? I hear @LynAlden asking after something like that as it has some great benefits with nostr’s social graph for surfacing relevant reviews. 
 Similar, my initial focus is to be able to stop using Goodreads. Particularly discovering and reviewing books. 
 Great, yeah very similar ideas. Same, need to stop using Goodreads. 
 Dropped you a DM, sounds like we’re aligned to team up a little to take down Goodreads!