@silverpill so I think, in theory, I could switch over to eddsa, and it looks like a number of other projects support it, but it's very much theory and never tested. And for sure, a lot of projects handle key rotation very poorly, so trying it out means isolating yourself from anyone that doesn't take it well.
@tedu As a first step, we can start accepting Ed25519 keys in addition to RSA keys. As far as I know, publicKey field can't be an array, and even if it can, many projects will fail to process an array there. There's another proposal that describes a way out this situation: https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src/branch/main/fep/521a/fep-521a.md With a new property that can contain any kind of public key, implementations can start adding Ed25519 keys to actors. Once a sufficient portion of Fediverse supports EdDSA, projects can start using it for outgoing requests and activities