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 Young food forest producing hundreds of pounds of food
This is a 1/10acre food forest. It is 6 years old, and just starting to come into production. Last season it produced hundreds of pounds of food without buying any inputs. Potatoes, squash, garlic, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, currant, rhubarb, horseradish, hazelnut, peaches, and apples. All the weeds/prunings feed rabbits which yeild protein. At 6 years old, the production is just starting to come on. Once the system is mature it will produce much much more. 

#permaculture #permies #homesteading #meshtadel #selfsovereignty #grownostr #foodforest #forestgarden #garlic #garden #gardening #garlicstr #subsistancecrop #perennial  
 This is fantastic  
 This is the way!
Lawns are shitcoins lol 
 This is neat and well done. 
 What zone? 
 Slowly transforming my lawn into this 
 About how many sq ft/m? 
 Are you asking how many square meters 1/10acre is? 
 My UI did not show the expand note on your original post :) I see you already gave the size, I just could not see it. 
 I thought you were implying that his size is not size kek 
 His is bigger than mine :) hoping to get an idea on yields. 
 nice. have fun! 
 Incredible 🌴🎉 
 Awesome. Been wanting to set this up at my place, hadn't made the effort yet. Biggest scam out there is small lot = small production.
Keep it up,can't wait to see more updates. Maybe you'll rub off on me....