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 I am convinced that information is the ultimate carrot & stick.

As our consciousness evolves and technology advances, it’s becoming clear that people can be guided simply by the information they consume. We’re like bacteria in a gut - part of a system that seems logical, where we believe our actions are driven by free will, but it’s all an illusion. Now, others can pull our strings by manipulating the information we receive.

This is why privacy and cryptography are essential. You should have the ability to process information privately and control what information you share and how you share it with the world.

The more we technologically advance, the more teachings of cypherpunks will grow in importance. And I look forward to witnessing that future unfolding alongside all of you... as we make progress toward the machine civilization.

 Agreed. I would just add that everything, at its core, is information. Consciousness is movement, and where there is movement, there is vibration. Vibration creates frequencies, and frequencies are inherently tied to light (as photons in motion). Ultimately, we are constantly being informed by light. The type and quality of light we absorb influence our actions, thoughts, and biological processes. 
 how to achieve harmony of vibrations 
 Great post. Highly advice to read Nietzsche on free will as well.  
 Great post. Highly advice to read Nietzsche on free will as well.  nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 link your favorite PDF or title 
 Great podcast 
 Monumentos a todos los cypherpunk 🫡 
 would be cool 
 Nah, fuck monuments, specially these made to primates. The natural universe is enpugh cypherpunk itself. 
 Nah, information is as fundamental as energy and time in this world.

Energy & time are basically everything, but without a language to describe them, they're moot; information is that language.  All 3 physically affect each other, which seriously makes things difficult to understand. 
 You just want to go straight to all of us cosmically communicating? Maybe we start with getting everyone to dream walk first.  
 Verbal communication is "cosmic communication", a tiny subset of it, and even then, human to human, people still tend to ignore what they don't like hearing.

The idea "Fuck Information" really demonstrates how willfully ignorant humans can be. 
 Good point. 🙏

Since humans have pieces of the same stardust within us, I’d hope it would be enough to prove to humanity we are one part of the same energy. 

Many times I find humans are lost in translation for various reasons. I’ve been guilty of not always being empathetic. Allowing anything to take my peace & love is on me. Definitely will push to never allow that again. 🙏 
 You’re right. As much as I don’t want to train to code 👩🏻‍💻… it’s all true. 🫡🙏 
 Another way to see it is that we need randomness.

We are guided by the information we process, and the only limiting factor in someone’s ability to control our thoughts is the interjection of randomness. Privacy means increasing entropy, and thus increasing randomness.

The issue is that humans are really bad randomness generators. If our minds are isolated from sources of randomness, they become pretty deterministic. Mentalists temporarily reduce your experienced randomness and manage to get pretty close to deterministic behaviour.

Luckily we more or less constantly source randomness from our environment. This is only true in so far as a process is random both to an individual and to the actor trying to control it.

Now extrapolate that to virtual realities. True randomness is nullified, every variable can be controlled and thus every thought can be made deterministic.

We should advocate for the injection of true randomness into any virtual reality we create to avoid giving anyone deterministic control over those that experience the virtual reality.  
 Yep we are programmed by our environment and information we take in without even being conscious of it many time. Break free. 