Oddbean new post about | logout
This is the most neoliberal shit ever, both the article and the bank decision.
>The digital bank’s Aussie customers won’t be able to deposit or withdraw cash at branches by May, however, they will still be able to withdraw money from ATMs.
Yeah but I'm betting that's next on the chopping block.

>The data supports the move, with a 15-year analysis showing Australians are withdrawing cash less and less. From a peak of 77.9 million withdrawals in December 2008, the figure has gradually declined to 29.7 million by June this year.
Uhhhh, so that's still 29.7 million cash withdrawals per year, retards. 

>Further to this, Finder’s Consumer Sentiment Tracker found only 13 per cent of Australians used cash daily, with 31 per cent opting for cash transactions just once a week.
Who gives a shit if it's downtrending? Stupid bullshit excuse. We still use cash. Look at the poll Yahoo embedded in the article lol. 90% of people make use of cash.

And then at the very bottom of the article:
>Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting
>We don't want you speaking out against our bullshit
Tough shit faggots. We're still here and we'll still call your shit out forever until you fuck off or die.



 while i see the sinister element to a CBDC, truth be told i stopped using cash almost a decade ago. it is just less convenient than waving a plastic card around. the factors and forces here are more than just ‘muh goobermint / private megacorp tracking me’.

i’d want digital cash in the “EthnoState” because going to an ATM before going out for a boozy night on the town was a FUCKING CHORE AND I HATED IT.

And of course for the midwits that will comment regardless of me saying the obvious bit, I am not advocating being tracked by this system nor any other. But hey, why should me being upfront get in the way of your regularly scheduled rage session? 
 @:acat:        CatSoc      :akirbyumbrella: last time I went into a branch to withdraw cash it was for $30,000. You don't get that kind of scratch from an ATM.

Also I get my cash from eftpos anyway. 
 Yah (((they))) can totally be trusted considering their track record of the last 2000 years.
