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#meme #memes #memestr #nostrmemes https://image.nostr.build/ce9d5a480ea30fdf0195e44af12e784182dd0664f7341ed2e4a5df26e6a9ea32.jpg  
 could happen, just sayin' 
 Sarah, you just want to watch the world burn 🔥 
 maybe it would bring all of us together  
 I don't think so, the world is more complex than right and left, democrats and republicans... but if it's going to make us improve at least a little, for my part there's no problem 
 hahaha, i think they would throw up in each others faces before getting knocked up 
 For a good wedding cake they would think about it 🙂‍↔️ 
 It would be an interesting child with such ideologically opposed parents. 

Would it buy Bitcoin or not? 
 Bitcoin is sought by those who really need it… a child of these two with all the money stolen through taxes and a resolved life, I don't think he/she would be very interested in it