so the gov doesn't want to hear about how they suck so they're criminalizing it as these people roll civil society back to the dark ages, i hope they realize that governments that do this sort of thing open themselves to the executions of the dark ages as well
i'm more htan happy to do iron age executions
@Zealist @669563d8 @dictatordave This bylaw makes me feel harassed.
@7750d787 @Zealist @dictatordave It's so hamfistedly conceived, it clearly will be used selectively, because anyone on any side can claim such fear of harassment. They only need to open their mouth and the deed is done. Legally speaking it's like arguing the spirit realm or some shit.
well i'm completely of the opinion some people should be harassed
yea its funny how these people want to punish you for being against their narrative, even if its 100% bs propaganda, and then jail you for talking shit on them >democracy
@dictatordave @7750d787 @Zealist We've all heard of the glut of death threats politicians bemoan they suffer. It seems tailor made to protect them first and foremost and their shock troops.