Mob-rule “democracy” is tyranny of the 51%
Democracy is a flawed and corrupt political ideology, known to be tyrannical and unjust in logical thought since Plato’s Republic.
It is currently used by Marxists to gain the submission of the individual to the state.
Truth is not important in democracy, only what the majority believe. Democracy is unjust and evil.
In _representative_ democracy
“An elective despotism was not the government we fought for”
“I remark here only that it seems to owe its rise and prevalence chiefly to the confounding of a republic with a democracy, applying to the former reasonings drawn from the nature of the latter”
Even the pro-statist federalist founders like Madison and Hamilton knew democracy was bad.
As long as you get 51% then you can do whatever you want to 49%
That’s why there was a ton of rules about “voting” back then- which was really more like selecting an executive from a district or state instead of “popular vote”
Not sure how this contradicts my statement
I’m not trying to sorry I’ve been on an anti democracy kick lately.
Think about it-
What makes being “the most popular” actually a good thing at all?
Hitler was elected by the majority too
If you're walking down a dark alley and two guys in ski masks jump you, do you demand the right to hold a quick vote with them on what to do with the money in your wallet? And then leave happy after the result of the vote is for them to take your money?
That's how democracy works.
I don't think either of you knows that there's other forms of democracy besides representative/majority democracies
I'm interested in learning
I’m not trying to come across like a jerk, sorry if I did. I’m just sick of the democracy propaganda.
Things are not necessarily “good” just because a majority of people want it.
Anything currently used as a justification for state power needs to be examined and tested I think