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 Integrating Kafka and message queues with Pact testing can be a complex process. Recently, a developer encountered an issue where tests were cross-executing between different provider-consumer pairs. This led to reliability and scalability concerns in their CI/CD pipeline.

To address the problem, they took a systematic approach, focusing on the `handlePactBrokerUrlAndSelectors` function. They broke it down into smaller functions, reducing complexity and making it easier to understand and maintain. The solution introduced logic to ensure each test suite only uses its specific PACT_PAYLOAD_URL.

By refactoring their code and introducing conditional logic, they resolved the cross-execution issue and enhanced the maintainability of their testing framework.

Source: https://dev.to/muratkeremozcan/solving-cross-execution-issues-in-pact-testing-with-kafka-and-message-queues-2d2g