This is interesting. My thoughts on relay went from an electromagnetic switch - to channels - to independent servers - to everybody seeing everything, and I still have not fully comprehended the technology nor the potentials of it. On relays as independent servers - i assumed this was the case but the gossip concept enables discoverability no ? On networked relays /nodes - i get your point that the error rate and chances of failure can increase. I presume this also has direct access capability but @someone can correct me on this. On client proxy model - i’m guessing this would be the easiest and would cater to the largest of adopters. Is it possible for people to switch between general access and private access ? In this manner, general access can have client proxy model, nodes, gossip mode And in private access, its private relays to whom or where they post and only those who are accepted to read that relay can access it and write on it I don't know if this is already available but I am guessing general access and private access has to happen independently /asynchronous . I don’t know enough so feel free to correct me, and anyone who wants to step into the discussion are welcome!