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 Super Bowl Prediction: USA will retain our title as world champion of football 
 Wait what? 
 We’ve never lost a Super Bowl 
 Makes sense. 
 Trying not to laugh 
 I’m positive Taylor Swift’s boyfriend’s team will win, and he (Travis something) will make all-star plays… It’s all part of the psy-op… 
 *kanye make surprise appearance in the halftime show*
“Yo taylor I’m really happy for you, imma let you finish…” 
 "I'm seeking an investor with a mission to invest in dreams and projects to change the world for a better future. I plan to initially invest $5 million in my well-being to improve my quality of life and focus on the project. Additionally, an additional $3 million will be invested, totaling an initial investment of $8 million. Of these, $3 million will be dedicated entirely to the project for the development of a cheap and accessible framework, including the development of a mechanical skeleton to help people walk, mechanical robots, and other utilities. I guarantee to deliver the prototype within 2 years, with additional support from the investor." 
 Ah yes. The Chinese vs Russian Super Bowl will be the dark night of the soul for every republican. Half time show of dragon dancing, Cut scenes of Putin drinking vodka with prostitutes and Donald Trump . Xi nodding in approval. 2050 is gonna be weird.