Oddbean new post about | logout
 I don't feel the need to justify my expression, action or inaction to anyone.

Interacting with you is expansive for me. It's entirely self serving & I will quietly disconnect from you when it's no longer expansive for me. I feel like you're having  a similar experience with The Nostr but that's clearly an assumption on my part.

I'm also not here to save anyone & I definitely don't want to be a leader. The reality I desire is one where we are each empowered by our own connection to Source rather than via a trusted 3rd party. To do this I have to allow people to take their own journey, however indirect I think their chosen path is. I believe the most direct path is to let go beliefs which fuel the fear (the lies) & fill our hearts with love (Truth).

My path feels to me like a paradox at times but I'm learning to be more comfortable with the paradoxes.