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 Do you have to be born as a psychic medium? 

It’s an old, outdated, and elitist tale that one has to be “naturally gifted” in order to tap into their psychic and mediumistic abilities. Although this work is a privilege to do, it’s not a gift, but rather an ability. Our spiritual abilities are natural to us all, similar to any other muscle that we can flex and grow. I’m a huge advocate for this. 

And yes, even you have these abilities ;)

Sure, some may have more of an aptitude towards their abilities than others. However, with practice, dedication, and learning, we all can find our innate psychic skills. 

There’s nothing I love more than seeing the shock and pride on people’s faces when it finally clicks that they too have intuitive abilities. The “I never thought I could do this” coming out of someone’s mouth after they’ve picked up on psychic information (in an evidential and verifiable way) is truly beautiful. 

Nobody is saying you need to go out and be the next Long Island Medium, but the utilization of our own intuitive senses seems to be a long lost art. When you can tap into that side of yourself, it can open up a whole new world of possibilities and tools.