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 this guy is good https://youtube.com/@ExcellentHealth 
 Instant subscribe, even without looking at the YouTube content. 
 Nice 🤙 
 This screams PSYOP from his face alone. Not gonna open the link.  
 A lot of foreskin restoration but I’m here for it. Subscribed. https://i.nostr.build/04BM.jpg  
 I don't think it works like that 
 I wonder if the rest of the videos are equally wrong then. 
 What the… 
 What , pray tell , is foreskin restoration ?  
 stretching skin to cover PP after amputated by crypto-jew doctors (mostly in USA and Korea where such things are common) 

 Seems pretty based 
 Good for a laugh yes 😂🤡🤡🤡 
 Very interesting guy 
 The statement "Coca-Cola can clean toilets, so imagine how it is burning your bowel" is factually incorrect for several reasons, primarily because it misunderstands the nature of chemical reactions and the human digestive system.

1. **Different Reactions in Different Environments:** The ability of Coca-Cola to clean toilets is attributed to its acidic properties, mainly due to the presence of phosphoric acid and carbonic acid. These acids can help in breaking down stains and buildup in toilets. However, the human stomach already contains hydrochloric acid, which is significantly stronger than the acids found in Coca-Cola. The stomach's acid is capable of breaking down foods and does not get "burned" or harmed by the comparatively weaker acids in Coca-Cola.

2. **Digestive System's Resilience:** The human digestive tract is designed to handle a wide range of foods and beverages, including those that are acidic. The lining of the stomach is protected by a mucus layer that prevents the acid from damaging the stomach walls. After leaving the stomach, the contents are neutralized by alkaline pancreatic juices in the small intestine, further reducing any potential harm from acidity.

3. **Misinterpretation of Chemical Reactions:** The assertion implies a misunderstanding of how chemical reactions work in different contexts. Cleaning effectiveness is not directly translatable to harmful effects on biological tissues. Many substances that are effective cleaners (like vinegar or baking soda) are not harmful to the body in moderate amounts and are, in fact, commonly consumed.

4. **Regulation and Safety:** Beverages and food products are subject to strict food safety regulations and standards that ensure they are safe for human consumption. The acidity levels in Coca-Cola and similar soft drinks are deemed safe for consumption by regulatory bodies around the world.

In summary, the claim oversimplifies and misrepresents the science of chemistry and digestion. While it's important to consume soft drinks in moderation due to their high sugar content and potential impacts on dental and overall health, the comparison to cleaning toilets and the effect on the bowel is not scientifically accurate. 
 I think generally what he's saying though is not bad- ie you need to tailor each health solution to the person, but some stuff is a bit pseudoscientific for me. 
 maybe talk less. 
 You want society to advance so you throw money at innovative businesses, even though you know they most often fail. Maybe we should consider that it is already quite difficult to make a successful business, that for the business to also bring about a significant positive change in society is extremely unlikely. So if we truly are serious about wanting to improve society, maybe we shouldn't use it as an excuse to gamble on startups with the illusion of winning big. Maybe we should accept that we are much more likely to improve society by spending the money on a social or cultural project that doesn't even try to be economically sustainable, and instead puts all its focus on catalyzing a lasting improvement in the world. 

We spend a lot of effort and time working to understand new technology and markets. What if we shifted to spend a lot of time on understanding community prosperity and human flourishing? If we did we would see that we can discover its secrets.  
 youre kind of a retard yeah? 
 Hey Jack! What are you thinking about Rollups on Bitcoin? 
 Leonardo da Vinci
Albert Einstein
Steve Jobs - sort of
Franz Kafka
Thomas Edison

All vegetarians I hear. Not saying this gentleman is wrong at all 🙏🏽  just that there are more ways to live. Also, I hear this Tesla fellow was rather smart. 
 How is Sai not on this list…. 
 No way Sai, you’re a vegetarian? 🤩🔥 I had no idea 🫂🫂 definitely listed now 🙏🏽 
 Ofcourse not. I’m just saying if ur gonna list all those luminaries it’s a sin not to add me 
 Sai! 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

Still listed 💯🙏🏽🤣🫂 
 Lolol 👊👊👊👊 
 Is this a joke? 
 Smoked meat instead of raw is a sign of an evolved animal 
 Interesting perspective.  
 morning gentlemen 
 Thanks for rhe link Jack, im always happy to check out your health ideas. Darko and his Saltwater was a great one too. 
 you need gifs so i can make a stank face. who is that. "raw ox"? wtf. 
 bs recommendation as usual, good job bs jack 
 Raw meat jack? you cant be serious 
 He is fantastic 😍
 Blueberries blueberries  
 Oooh, getting juicy @jack 😘 I like it.  
 How long my god I am ready this ridiculous I am upset again - and I sick of this anyway - sucks !! Please I ready to move on and I sick this I can’t say it enough happy for you I am happy for me to do me! I am not waiting no more ! For the love of god! Twitter I wish k never been part of this crap and it don’t take this amount of time while you fly with the chickens  
 Watching some of his videos now 📺 to see what I can learn. Health is so important. 
 Thanks for sharing 🙏🏽 
 Are you ready for a deal? 
 why you never smile 