Oddbean new post about | logout
 I love @BTC Sessions 

 Go fork yourself? 
 Legend 💪🏽 
 You literally ate with your unwashed hands in front of a horrified kitchen staff. It was the least I could do. 
 Honestly It was welcome lol 
 Such a caring guy.  
 BTC Sessions is consistent. Gotta give him that lol

 AH recording a video behind the wheel?

We are so back. 
 I might do some more just for nostr 
 😂 😂  
 Do you buy child size hats or do you have like a gigantic skull? 
 I have a gigantic skull lol 
 I love it!! 
 “And you are going to apply even and gentle pressure…” - the best tutorial if you ask me 👌😁 
 Knowing you two guys got to hang out is great to see.  Much love to both of you!