Oddbean new post about | logout

Hi there!

Last Monday I received an e-mail informing me that my post (https://kolektiva.social/system/media_attachments/files/111/153/446/881/525/162/original/83d972113025d178.png) had been removed because it violated two rules:

    No racism, misogyny, homo/transphobia, ableism or other oppressive behaviour.

    No right wing bullshit and no authoritarian left wing apologetics

I've emailed the Mod Team on the same day and, so far, I've had no reply. I had asked them, politely, to explain to me how on Earth does that book violate any of the two previous rules of our instance?

The book has nothing to do with that. On the contrary, that man only defends the opposite! I have heard it! I've bought the second book. He doesn't stand by nothing of that!

Was the post reported? I guess so... On what basis? Can you provide me with evidence? Did the person(s) reporting it cite any part of the book that, in the context, proves that? Or... is it just a mob thing or hearsay?

I've always been opposed to all that! All my life! Even more so, nowadays!

I'm doing what a true anarchist should do: seek knowledge to improve myself and others, and THAT book is a great contribution in that regard! I can't understand...

Anarchism implies that we use our heads to think and search for information to better ourselves and our communities. Decisions should also be discussed and agreed upon. So, I was expecting a reply to my email that might make me understand why a post about a book was removed from my timeline without any explanation.

Decisions forced upon the community or any members are not anarchism based! That's the opposite of the core principles of anarchism. I wasn't expecting to see that happening here, not with something like that, not with a book of this kind! Not without a warning of some kind. That behaviour is typical of governments that abuse power, of hierarchical power! 

So, dear anarchist friends, I'd like to hear from you regarding this issue. Perhaps we might contribute to some improvement here somehow.

 @d12c08af O Jordan Peterson defende Race Science, é misogenista, usa a palavra racismo entre aspas como se para ele não o fosse, e nem vou tocar na polémica dos pronomes. Também já debitou laivos de negacionista das alerações climáticas. No fundo eu acho que ele vai para onde vende... @309f0763