Oddbean new post about | logout
 Normalize the term 'tax cattle' 
 Post more on nostr.  
 will do 
 I will be using this term as often as possible. 
 What's wrong with the term tax slave?

 Great Peruvian Bull chat 🤙 
 KYC = tax cattle registry 
 Typical tax cheater newspeak 
 We call it voting cattle, “stem vee” in NL. Will try to popularize “belasting vee” 🫡 
 You’re gonna hurt your fellow cows 
 for someone who earns median W2 income in the US, which is a more valuable asset for the federal gov in a given year?

1. the taxes they pay on wages and capital gains

2. the cumulative demand on the price of USD that results from transacting in USD, and their holdings of USD instruments (cash, bank deposits, MM funds, bonds) 
 perhaps a special case for the USA  
 "Soon, the cows will have wings." - The Sovereign Individual,1997 
 I'm listening to it atm thanks to @ygen... @ypetr...whats his name....  
 You know it.