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 中国日前宣布终止 #国际收养 计划,却未说明理由,令许多收养机构错愕。他们表示,当前外国家庭收养主要是年龄较大或有特殊医疗需求的孩童,未来他们的福祉令人担忧。https://t.co/ooUnGIXgTX https://t.co/qkkuIJEGmk https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GW0hoK9a8AA3-2P.jpg 

China has announced the cancellation of its international adoption plan without explaining the reason, leaving many adoption agencies in confusion. They expressed concerns that the future well-being of the children, mainly older children or those with special medical needs, may be at risk. #China #adoption

In this tweet, the author is sharing a news article about China's decision to cancel its international adoption plan without providing a reason. The article notes that the majority of the children adopted from abroad by Chinese families are older or have special medical needs, and that their future well-being is uncertain. The author uses the hashtags #China and #adoption to highlight the topic and attract attention to the issue.