It boggles the mind that Ukrainian officials keep producing exclusive content for Elon Musk. I understand why they don't leave X right away, they need the audience. But I don't get why they are not even trying to build a presence in the Fediverse. #Ukraine Quoting @a176021c
@66087130 @a176021c I suspect there's quite a lot of engagement to be gained through the practice of 'dunking on Musk' and so when he says horrible things that paradoxically also creates incentives for his enemies to stay on twitter.
@66087130 @a176021c and it becomes a content-mill for neutral journalists who just want things to report on.
@b870d4c8 @66087130 @a176021c and Musk is the perfect example of bad publicity is still publicity. Though I wonder when the actual threshold is until X implodes. Why should it implode? Because when enough people that used to engage in conversations (and maybe formed the counter part) leave, it will be utterly boring and meaningless. Basically trolls need somebody to troll.
@66087130 @a176021c That goes to almost every government authority out there. Why don’t they take a stand and leave in stead of keeping their eyes and ears shut to his crazy statements? Who can make that kind of decision on a government level e.g. here in Denmark? It's so annoying to witness crucial information from the government, police and the media *only on X* — which helps him to keep the business running.