Oddbean new post about | logout
 I’ve recorded a video version of the tutorial project, which will land on YouTube later today for folks who prefer watching to reading. 

As this is the first edition of the book there’ll be quite a few typos and mistakes – let me know when you spot one and I’ll get it fixed! 🙌 
 @e2aab4fb you’ve got a “such as they’re to do lists” in the “what is swift data” section. 
 @bc79b2ae Fixed – thank you! 
 In the meantime, check out the bottom of the dedication page for a video of me watching the Platforms State of the Union at WWDC23. I was just a ~bit~ happy to see SwiftData being announced 😅 https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/swiftdata/dedication 
 @e2aab4fb That’s awesome!! I think you scared the other attendees! :) 
 @ba0789bd I don't think they'll have me back next year 😉 
 💥 Boom! My 8-part SwiftData starter tutorial is now on YouTube, walking you through the fundamentals of your first SwiftData app with SwiftUI. Models, queries, sorting, filtering, relationships, and more – start here: https://youtu.be/FEKCAzPAtpg 
 @e2aab4fb I’m excited to dive in! Thanks so much for putting this together!

While I was eagerly skimming the contents, I noticed, what I assume is, a word missing (“write”) in the unit tests title under the Architecture section.

 @6285b7b5 Fixed – thank you!