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 Europe and Socialism

In Europe there is no free market, the economy of the nations is centrally planned through subsidies.

The percentage of taxes collected by the Eurozone exceeds 50% of GDP. A large part of these taxes are used to subsidize sectors that politicians consider strategic, but this never works, because personal corruption always prevails.

The result is that all technologies are born in the USA, Japan, South Korea or China.

This system of subsidies also applies on a small scale.  Immigrants receive subsidies that allow them to live without working, and the same applies to local people, in many countries the incentive to work is being lost. 

Private property is not respected either, favoring those who occupy houses illegally.

We have reached the extreme that some people live with a salary higher than the minimum wage required by law, and do not pay for water, electricity or housing.

Europe will become Argentina 2.0. 
 Yes. And the EU will collapse, maybe sooner than later. Especially after Ukraine and Moldova will join. 
 Remember when the EU had standards to enter the Union?
I guess the Ukraine is the perfect black hole to pour money into.

 EU leadership is corrupt to the core. And totally Orwellian.

War is being funded from peace treasury. Freedom of speech is suppressed with censorship in the name of protecting citizens from disinformation. People are being put into a debt and digital control prison in the name of freedom and democracy. 
 The EU is completely the opposite of freedom, sovereignty, and decentralisation.

It is like the Soviet Union is some kind of role model, just with digital gulags. 
 Just a random Google:


It says here that Germany, Europe's largest economy, has $223b in "high tech" exports per year, however "high tech" is defined.

The same site reveals $89b for Japan where Japan has a larger population (but not larger economy because duh). 

This here ranks Germany 2nd, before the USA and only after China which has 15x the population.

And Germany is just one country in Europe and all the "socialism" that you're decrying there applies there to the extent of my knowledge. 
 The EU had the perfect partner in Russia, supplying powerhouses of industry like Germany with much needed cheap energy.
The US found a way to put the EU back in its place.

Whatever is left of Ukraine after Russia is finished cleansing it, will be another dependent, used to suck yet more money from the EU, while the elites skim their piece from the top, paying the usual corporations for "reconstruction". 
 How to make Europe sovereign again 101:

- Ditch US influence from the political system so we are not their colony anymore
- Partner with Russia
- Create a powerful and resilient energy grid
- Abandon subsidies and embrace free market once and for all 
 - And off course adopt the bitcoin standard but it goes without saying 😄 
 EU will likely fragment, no? It's not very lindy 
 ~50% income taxes, ~20% VAT on everything you purchase (unless you're a biz, then you don't pay, but you have to add 20% on top of what you're asking for your services/products), big gas taxes, various additional consumer taxes, property taxes...

It's not 50%, it is much much more. 
 What you say is correct, but when you say it in public many people are offended. 
 Taxes otherwise who will do the roads !?!? /sarc 
 As they should. The solution most of them put forward is always more taxes. Just not directly on them, but others. Of course. The brainwashing by the state was so successful, that almost no one thinks "maybe it's smarter to push for lower taxes" and instead attack everyone that suggests that.

Same old, same old. 🤣 
 Yep, very sad. 
 We are already there. European just pretend that they are "developed". 
 while I agree to an extent, fiat is what rots the world.

japan still worships the fax machine and is riding the boom of the 80s and china subsidies the shit out of industries they seem strategic, like EVs. 