1908 Olympics gold medal (100% gold) vs 2024 Olympics gold medal (1% gold) $5,000 worth of gold in the 1908 vs $1,500 worth of metal (mostly silver) in the 2024. If the 2024 medal was solid gold it would contain $70,000 worth of gold as it is much larger than 1908. https://image.nostr.build/d8cb5dc88d053d1503072b6419e4fc029a54e404c167e0b518ed40dd4ac7fce9.jpg https://image.nostr.build/b346f2e96df08f0dc95f0d3b0461d120ef3f266440bb52b79289868b2a9c69b5.jpg
no naked men is the worst part
I tend to agree
Interesting. What they should have gifted the Gold Medal recipients https://m.primal.net/JxfO.jpg
Since 1912, the amount of gold has changed. And now? 😅