Oddbean new post about | logout
 Your bitter family members who didn't listen to you will be making these snide comments at Thanksgiving  https://i.nostr.build/GPIu2eZW7OT0rY5u.gif 
 I love ITYSL 🤣 
 Tim Robinson's show, I Think You Should Leave (ITYSL)

I don't know if the above clip is from his show but I've never seen him on anything else. He's so funny though 🤣  
 He's the best 
 Yesterday, I went grocery shopping at an Italian market. 

My mom came with me and said "wow, I know this is better quality, but this place is more expensive!"

"Oh? I haven't noticed, I save in Bitcoin" 
 Most of them own at least some bitcoin

Glad they can come for the ride
My dad is VERY happy