I dont know if so, but i agree he, or any single individual, is not a solution.
I meant to say elon is NOT for humans. If he did you would stop taking so much money from them for a spaceship that humans will never go to spqce because space doesn't exist. Elon didn't code or create anything he stole everything he owns.
hehe, i agree with the space issue. My favorite theory is that the astronauts found spaceships on the moon. My other favorite theory is that the astronauts didn't even go to the moon. however, I get totally confused when people don't give Elon some credit for both liking humans and being smart enough to figure out some solutions for driving safety. In the US, 40,000 lives per year die on the road, mostly for preventable accidents. Just by updating the dumb cars to have the ability to not run into the back of a another stopped car has the net effect of saving so much of humanity. His company raising the bar for safety is going to save a lot of lives and a lot of unhappiness.
Elon is another Thomas Edison sorry no credit for elon. He stole everything he controls. Plus funneling money for your own pocket is for humanity
he may well be motivated by greed to invent better technology. reminds me of another protocol that's protected by greed. If he stole it, brilliant, how did he manage. if he funneled money to his own pocket, also brilliant. If it's so easy, why dont any of the other CEOs take the same easy street and steal and funnel their own ways to creating not just a new car, new rocket, new internet connection. Can you imagine if Ford CEO also came up with a Jet and a cell phone?
I'm just a polyp on Elon's intestine. and maybe Elon does suck up all the best talent and quash their ideas and make them produce horribly toxic battery vehicles when we could have zero-point energy vehicles instead. he also was very dismissive of bitcoin. he could have had it all, Bitcoin, the world's sexiest company, and a rocket company. I do like the fact that his Human robot pays homage to humans. When you steal a design, you might as well steal God's design. that boston dynamics dog robot is scary because, what useful thing can a dog do, besides herd? who are they planning to herd? so the worker humans will be working with dog overlords.
they want mindless obedient flesh robots that they can rape and eat as they see fit, when they are tired of them doing all their housework and factory operation if you have seen THX1138 - that's an example of what the factories would look like
I just read the wiki synopis of THX113... very interesting. I do love that it has BART tunnels when Bart was new, first automated metro in US. I try not to think too much in these terms, as i don't want to lend compute to the computer that's birthing that dystopia. may cleanse myself with some Jane Austen or something.
haha jane austen... lol, it's pretty hard to find anything of substance from the 20th century that isn't pulp garbage, and not dystopian... CS Lewis and Tolkein basically, everything else is either fluff or hellscape
yes Jane Austen settles each of her characters with a man and a fortune according to her merits. Like Ms. So and so married Mr. So and so and settled with 50,000 pounds a year. and the worse characters get worse yearly stipends of pounds. I liked CS lewis. Perelandra is interesting. I should go back and try to read it again. naked astronauts, because it keeps the space ship lighter.