Employees: We like working in the same homes where we sleep. There's no commute, it's very convenient.
Google: Nah we need you back in the office. But we built hotel rooms here so you can still sleep in the same place you work and there's no commute.
Employees: Uh yeah that's not what we wanted.
Google: That'll be $99. Which you pay us. To trap you in the office we demanded you come back to.
@224e0fde I’m sure management looks at that tomb of a campus and they hate it. Question—do you know if Google employees use their own computers or if they use company computers? Does Google pay for the maintenance/security of home computers?
Anyone wanna bet those Google employee hotel rooms come equipped with real-time analytics surveillance devices?
@224e0fde lol that's like dormitories for workers in Japan. So backward.
Do they have to call their managers “massa”?
@224e0fde Some real Pressganging type coercive shit going on in Silicon Valley.