All this boycotting jack and anti-blastr stuff is fun, but to be clear the only thing I want for Christmas is: 1. implement the gossip model
*implement the gospel model
Gossip model is the dream. And achievable if all the major clients prioritize implementing it. Also it looks like @Little Mikey D ‘s attempts to get people to call it the rendezvous model have failed. 😅
I only called it the problem 'relay rendezvous'. Not the solution. We could call it the Siobhán problem --- make people try to pronounce that one!
Offtopic here but I failed at mentioning you in other attempts. A while back you had interview Adam Curry for TGFN on your to do list, did this interview happen yet? or, even better, can we expect it online some time soon?
I just want things to be such that when some Dogecoiner comes over here and shits on bitcoin, that he doesn't get defacto censored and then spend the next 2 years of his life telling everybody that nostr isn't decentralized.
Like the game theory.